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Getting ready for new academic year

Update: 23-08-2023 | 11:27:12

The 2023-2024 new school year is approaching. Although there are still many difficulties ahead,  with the attention of all-level Party Committees, authorities, departments, the education and training sector of Thu Dau Mot city has prepared conditions to get ready for  the new school year to go as planned.

Preparing for material facilities

Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong, Head of Thu Dau Mot city’s Division of Education and Training (DoET) said that with the attention of the city’s Party Committee, People's Committee, the city’s DoET has coordinated with specialized departments of the city and the People's Committees of wards to review planning and allocate land fund for the construction and development of the local kindergartens and general schools, classrooms while advising the city’s People's Committee on setting up planning for the education sector for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. The work of advising on the implementation of investment in construction, repair and procurement of equipment is focused, avoiding the situation of scattered and inefficient investment in the use of the State budget. The city has organized to carry out surveys and invest in projects that are in accordance with procedures, have legitimate needs…, contributing to implementing the local goals on educational development.

Hoa Phu kindergarten has just been painted and upgraded very beautifully and speciously

Accordingly, in order to ensure schools and classes for the 2023-2024 school year, in addition to two newly built schools, even during the summer, the city’s DoET advised the city’s People's Committee to approve the policy and assign the city’s Project Management Board as the investor in building and upgrading 11 school works. Hoa Phu Kindergarten in Hoa Phu ward is one of the schools with great investment this summer.

Vo Thi Thuy Hang, the school's principal said that after 6 years of construction, the school was old with some items degraded, so this summer the school has got great repair from the city. Accordingly, all classrooms and fences have been freshly painted. Tthe base of the school’s wall has also been reinforced and waterproofed... These days, the school’s teachers are urgently completing preparation for school things while rearranging study corners and making general hygiene for classrooms to welcome children in the new school year.

Mrs. Hang added that as of now, the school has completed enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year with 11 class groups and a total of 340 children. The number of children at the school has increased by about 10%, mainly in the leaf grade, compared to the previous school year. “After a period of being used, the school continues receiving attention and investment in repair and renovation. A school with full material facilities will create favorable conditions for teachers to teach, contributing to improving the quality of the school and bring it to a new level in the coming time, Mrs. Hang said.

Ready for new school year

In the 2023-2024 school year, the number of students at all levels in Thu Dau Mot city has increased compared to the previous school year. This school year, there are 58 public schools from preschool to junior high school levels, with the total number of 75,595 students…

Regarding teaching staff, the city's education and training sector is short of 193 teachers compared to the previous school year. To ensure teaching in the new school year, the city’s DoET received 12 cases outside the province and 27 cases outside the district in this summer. Currently, the city’s DoET is coordinating with the city's Division of Home Affairs to conduct the recruitment of civil servants for the 2023-2024 school year.

According to Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong, the current biggest difficulty of the city's education and training sector is that at the preschool level, there are many classes with only one teacher per class. To overcome the shortage of teachers, the measure of the city’s DoET is to ask for a policy to allow the implementation of contracts for preschool teachers who are below prescribed standards, unable to participate in the recruitment of public employees in order to supplement teachers in an appropriate proportion.... For primary and secondary schools, the city's DoET will review, mobilize and arrange teaching staff sufficiently and rightly to serve each school under the regulations; ensure the ratio of teachers/classes in association with the demand for using regular staff in line with each grade level, each school facility, avoiding the situation of redundance and shortage of local teachers at the local requirements on educational development.

In the 2023-2024 new school year, Thu Dau Mot city's education and training sector faces a significant challenge in ensuring the number of classrooms and teachers in the context that the number of students in the age of enrolling in the first classes of all levels and the need to study 2 sessions/day have increased. This is also the 4th academic year that the whole sector has implemented the renewal of programs and textbooks. The number of students studying under the new program has increased to 7 grade blocs, requiring additional resources of teachers and material facilities. Mrs. Phuong said that the city's education and training sector will continue strengthening and actively perform advisory work on education, especially on staff, material facilities, mechanisms, policies...

The city’s DoET will also have good coordination with the city's Division of Home Affairs in advising on the recruitment, appointment, re-appointment, rotation of teachers of schools, ensuring the goal of implementing the renewal of the general education program in the 2023-2024 school year. In the immediate future, the division has directed schools and educational institutions to inspect, review and well prepare conditions for organizing the “nationwide back-to-school day" and the opening ceremony of the new school year.

In the 2023-2024 school year, the number of students at all levels in Thu Dau Mot city has increased compared to the previous school year. This school year, there are 58 public schools from preschool to junior high school levels, with the total number of 75,595 students…

Reported by Hong Thuan-Chau Tien-Translated by Kim Tin

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