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Gifts offered to disadvantaged children

Update: 11-05-2020 | 11:20:35

Early May 10, Di An city’s Youth Union offered 10 gifts, including necessities, 500 glasses of milk and 500 books to needy children in Binh An ward in response to the “One million glasses of milk and journey of books” program launched by the Central Committee of the Youth Union.

Locals are given free necessities at a “zero dong” supermarket organized by Binh An ward’s Youth Union

As planned, the city’s Youth Union will donate gifts to poor children and organize a “groceries with zero dong” program in An Binh ward on May 15 ahead. It is known that under the “One million glasses of milk and journey of books” program, the city’s Youth Union will give 3,000 glasses of milk and more than 2,000 books for the local needy children.

*The same day, the Youth Union of Binh An ward in Di An city held a “supermarket with zero dong” program at the headquarters of the ward’s Police Agency.

Coming to the supermarket, the local needy people will be given free necessities, comprising of instant noodles, salt, sugar, eggs, vegetables, fruits…. It is known that the supermarket works from 15pm to 17 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays; from 8:30 am to 10 am on Sundays.

This is one of significant activities done by the ward’s Youth Union in response to the Workers ‘Month 2020 while sharing difficulties with the local needy people.

Reported by Nhu Y-Translated by K.T

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