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Giving is forever...

Update: 18-08-2023 | 11:33:50

With the loving message of "Giving is forever", many people have overcome barriers to come to a decision of great humane meaning - registering to donate tissues and organs so that even if passing away, they can still give life to others. This gesture not only helps bring life to others, but also contributes to spreading the noble humanitarian spirit, making life better and more human.

Life multiplied

The number of people waiting for organ and tissue transplants to add life is very much. It seems like a "miracle", but in reality, many lives have been revived, continuing from organ transplants. Although they do not know which patients they will donate their organs to in the future, but those who volunteer to donate organs and tissues after death - those kind "strangers" still decide to donate so that life will continue after they die.

As an ordinary citizen like many other people, every day, Duong Quang Toan in Phu Cuong ward’s quarter 7 in Thu Dau Mot city is always busy with repairing electrical appliances at home to take care of his family. Although life still has many things to worry about, with his optimistic spirit, Toan is always enthusiastic in blood donation and even wants to donate this body to help others.

The sequela left by diseases when being young, he became a person with partial disability. With a hunchback, his gait always looks crooked. Although the body is not as healthy as normal people, few people know that the man who looks sick is a very strong person who dares do things that many healthy people are still afraid of doing them. To date, he has given blood 22 times. Also from this meaningful movement, he is continuing his journey of donating platelet to save lives. Since 2020, he has participated in platelet donation 24 times.

Noticeably, he has learnt and come to a very respectful decision that is to register for organ donation and body donation for medicine. According to him, people have always thought that death must be intact. Therefore, just hearing about tissue donation, organ donation and body donation for medicine, they refuse immediately. Personally, he thinks that after death, his organs will be transplanted to people in need and they will revive life after being transplanted. In addition to the kidney and liver that can be donated while the donor is alive, one brain-dead person who donates organs can save more than 10 lives.

“Like that, I am not completely lost, but my life is still being continued on other people's bodies. People who receive organ transplants can also donate their organs those who need orphan transplant later … That is the meaning of "giving is forever" because life does not stop after we die, but still continues when organ donation is done successfully…”, Mr. Toan shared.

Initially, when he intended to register to donate his organs and body for medicine, many people, including his relatives, also prevented him from that. With the knowledge he learned, as well as the meaning of "giving is forever" of organ donation, Toan persistently encouraged, explained and his relatives gradually understood and agreed to let him register to donate his organs. Not only agreeing with his work, his mother also wanted to donate her organs, but she could not register for that, due to health conditions.

Spreading the spirit of kindness

After registering to donate his organs, Toan has also encouraged others to register for that. He has established a fanpage "Donating organs to save lives and donating bodies to medicine after death" to guide information and mobilize many people to participate in. He said that what he has been doing is aimed at the purpose of wanting to contribute a little bit of his strength to make life better and more human.

Nguyen Thi Trung Hieu, born in 1989, currently working for a company in Ben Cat town’s Hoa Loi ward is considered as the first person to be guided by Mr. Toan to register for organ donation. As a person liking charitable activities, she used to participate in voluntary blood donation and also wants to donate organs after her death to help people in need of organ transplants. While not knowing where to start, she met Mr. Toan at a blood donation session, so she asked for him to be guided for organ donation registration.

So far, she has had an organ donation registration card issued by Cho Ray Hospital. “When I die, my body is donated to others so that they can live on. I think it's the most meaningful thing I can still do after I die, so I immediately applied", Hieu shared. Just thinking about what she does will bring life to others, Hieu feels her heart warmer.

Born in 1996, Nguyen Thi My Lien is the owner of a spa and nail salon in Thu Dau Mot city’s Phu Tho ward. Even though being very young, she has registered to donate organs. This is because according to her, this is a meaningful action. “When registering for organ donation, I only wanted one thing: when passing away, I can donate my organs to as many people as possible. Other people's lives are saved thanks to body parts donated from me, so life is still going on...", Lien shared.

Over the past time, many people in the province participated in registration of tissue donation, organ donation, and body donation for medicine. This is a noble gesture and action, which not only shows deep human values, but also shows the spirit of solidarity and great love between people. Like a small spark, even if being about to go out, it will still light up many other fires. Death is the end of a person's life, but "giving is forever". Please register for tissue and organ donation so that when unfortunately passing away, you still have more bright eyes, more warm hearts to further work with beloved beats in life.

According to statistics by provincial Red Cross, the province has so far had 65 volunteers registering for tissue and organ donation. Among them, there is a woman successfully donating her kidney when being still alive. That is the case of Nguyen T.L. in Bau Bang district. The kidney transplant was performed at Cho Ray Hospital in Ho Chi Minh city by the end of 2022, bringing happiness, health and life to a patient after the successful kidney transplant.
Duong Quang Toan is one of Binh Duong province’s pioneers in registration and mobilization for organ donation and body donation  to medicine. Over the past years, he still participated in platelet donation at Ho Chi Minh city-based Cho Ray Hospital’s Blood and Hematology Center, contributing to emergency and treatment for patients.

Reported by Hong Thuan-Translated by Kim Tin

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