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Good effects from emulation models of smart mass mobilization in Bau Bang district

Update: 23-11-2018 | 11:31:19


To implement the emulation movement "Smart mass mobilization" associated with Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo on "Accelerating learning and follow the ideals, ethics and lifestyle of Ho Chi Minh", grassroots level, government, VFF and mass organizations in Bau Bang district developed many practical and innovative models supported by the people.

For example, the movement "The whole district together build new rural"; "Friendly government of the people, by the people and for the people" and "Friendly offices serve the people"; "Concretizing rural roads"; "Security Light"; "New rural light"...

Effective movements and models contributed to raising awareness, the role of Party cadres, especially the heads of organizations in the district political system; educating and training Party members, civil servants, youth members on working style, attitude while serving the people following Uncle Ho’s lifestyle; To step by step build and practice effectively the attitude of "Respecting people, being close to people, understanding people, and being responsible for people"...

The effective implementation of the above models helped encourage people actively participate in building the, building clean, strong Party and government, enhancing socio-economic development, maintaining political security, social order and safety in the area.

Reported by Thu Thao – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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