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Good models in attracting laborers need to be replicated, provincial chairman Le Thanh Cung says

Update: 01-03-2011 | 00:00:00

Late Feb.28, provincial chairman Le Thanh Cung worked with leaders of the Management Board of the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) to strength the leadership work and implement new plans for the VSIP.

Since early this year, VSIP has still got positive results in FDI attraction with US$144mln, including US$60mln from 4 new FDI projects and US$84mln from 5 extra-ones. More than 96% of laborers of businesses in the VSIP have so far come back to work.

Mr.Cung said that VSIP’s above FDI attraction is very good while suggesting that the VSIP Management Board should further promote marketing work, call for investment, especially widely multiply businesses’ good models in absorbing laborers, stabilizing production…

Reported by Trong Minh-Translated by K.T

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