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Grateful youth

Update: 29-07-2019 | 11:01:39

Celebrating 72 years of War Invalids - Martyrs (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2002), on the evening of July 26, the Provincial Standing Committee held a ceremony of "Candle light of gratitude" for heroic martyrs at the provincial Martyrs Cemetery. To express the gratitude and eternal remembrance of the merits of the heroic martyrs who sacrificed for the cause of national liberation.

Binh Duong Youth Union members lit candles to pay tribute to fallen heroes

To reschedule, July - the month of gratitude, is the occasion to remind the young generation today and the following always remember the great merits and sacrifices of the generations of his father who went ahead in the cause of national liberation, and most of the country. In the solemn and sacred atmosphere of the ceremony "Light the candle of gratitude" at the provincial Martyrs Cemetery, 1,000 youth union members representing Binh Duong's youth in the moment of excitement and pride in front of the heroes The martyrs have converged and turned their hearts to the whole heart, remembering the revolutionary predecessors, heroes and martyrs.

2019 is the 50th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's testament (1969-2019) and the 72th anniversary of War Invalids - Martyrs (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2002), ahead of 45 graves. Vietnamese heroic mother, 5,434 tombs of martyrs, the young generation today reminds themselves to know how to live, contribute and must make determination to act worthy of the previous generations' merits.

In July, all levels of the Youth Union organized a peak week "gratitude and gratitude", "drinking water to remember the source" from July 20 to July 27 and the festival of the 7th Binh Duong province source. . Specifically, the peak week is carried out by the union's ministries with the following contents: Organizing voluntary health care activities for medical examination and treatment, free medicine distribution for policy families and families at revolutionary bases, difficult areas ...; organizing exchanges, visiting and giving gifts at nursing and sick soldiers' nursing centers; commending and rewarding typical examples of children of war invalids, martyrs and families with good revolutionary and filial revolution, active in Union - Association - Team work; survey and mobilize the construction of gratitude houses, charity houses, repair of houses of gratitude and deterioration; promote models, effective ways; effectively organize "Feast of source - Journey of gratitude".

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan, Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Youth Union, said that not only in July but throughout the year, the movement of "repaying gratitude and drinking water to remember the source" of youth in Binh Duong province has become an activity. regularly, with each specific action; thousands of young people in green shirts volunteered to spread throughout the roads, to make environmental sanitation, embellish and beautify the martyrs' temples in the province; visit, give gifts, join hands to build houses of gratitude, charity houses, medical examination, medicine delivery, gifts for Vietnamese heroic mothers, policy families, merchants, sick soldiers and families with soldiers currently serving the task of protecting the Fatherland, activities for the island border, the activities to take care of children and teenagers ...; carry out cultural and artistic activities with the theme of praising the tradition of building and maintaining the country of his father's generations. Through activities that make each youth union member and youth understand more deeply about their responsibility for the lofty sacrifice of heroic Vietnamese mothers, families who have benefited from the networks and all who have sacrifice for the homeland and the country.”

The ceremony of "Lighting candles of gratitude" for heroic martyrs is an annual program with many special meanings, expressing the deep gratitude of Binh Duong youths on the occasion of the Day of War Invalids - Martyrs. Incense sticks, lit candles showing the infinite gratitude of today's young generation to immortal children, sacrificing for the Fatherland, writing dazzling golden pages, paving the way for the next generations to follow.

Reported by Thanh Le – Translated by Vi Bao

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