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Green again Phuoc Thanh land

Update: 25-04-2019 | 17:55:25


On April days, many people recalled the heroic victories of older generations on Phuoc Thanh land (Phu Giao district now). Today, returning to the vast green land of Phu Giao, people cannot help being surprised by the remarkable resilience of this revolutionary land.


Phu Giao changes drastically. In photo: A corner of Phu Giao district.

Changing every day

In the resistance wars, Phu Giao district used to be the capital of Phuoc Thanh province. In the 50s of the last century, Ngo Dinh Diem government established Phuoc Thanh province consisting of 3 districts of Tan Uyen, Hieu Liem, and Phu Giao. The goal of Phuoc Thanh province’s establishment was to divide War Zone D with War Zone Duong Minh Chau and Southern Highlands, and prevent the reinforcement of the North for the South. On 18 Sep 1961, the army and people here attacked Phuoc Thanh province and won completely after only 1 hour.

Victory Phuoc Thanh left many lessons on solidarity, intrigue, courage, and sacrifice for the Fatherland. Phuoc Thanh provincial former governor ‘s palace is now an ancient house in Phu Giao district, and used to be the working office of the District Party Committee and People's Committee in the early days of the reestablishment.

Over many historic periods, Phu Giao land used to be merged with Dong Phu district (former Song Be province, now in Binh Phuoc province). On 20 Aug 1999, Phu Giao district was re-established with 6 communes and 1 town of Tan Uyen district, 2 communes of Ben Cat district (formerly) with an area of ​​530km2, a population of 60,000 people, including 11,000 ethnic minorities.

A highlight in the appearance change of Phu Giao district today is that economic infrastructure has strong investment with a high pace, accounting for 25-30% capital construction rate of the total budget expenditure of the whole district. Until now, the transportation network in the district has been expanded and upgraded; many inter-commune and inter-hamlet roads were asphalted. Electricity system was strengthened to serve industrial production, people's lives and businesses in the locality. The national electricity grid covered 70/70 districts and hamlets, the rate of households using electricity reached 99.98% (in 2000 it was 67.4%), facilitating the industrialization and agricultural development of the district.

Urban renovation was also carried out by Phu Giao district in accordance with the planning. Public works, working offices of the Party, authorities, front committees, departments, unions in the district were built spaciously, meeting the demands. At the same time, water supply and drainage system, cultural institutions, particularly Phuoc Thanh victory monument park, green tree system, and inner roads of Phuoc Vinh township were invested, creating green, clean and beautiful urban space in the district center.

Taking care of people's lives

Showing a pride in his homeland, Doan Van Dong, Chairman of Phu Giao District People's Committee, said the district focused on 6 key tasks to continue developing and making breakthrough in economic field in the future. Accordingly, Phu Giao will innovate and attract big investors, who having good reputation and financial capacity for business development in the locality. Regarding investment attraction, the district select industries with high technical content, less labor-intensive. Besides, the district attaches special importance to stabilizing budget revenue to ensure the local growth.

The district widely announced the planning for agriculture - forestry – fishery and husbandry, which focus on all people strata to create a high consensus. Then the district will develop strongly high-tech agricultural with scientific technological applications to not only improve people's lives but also achieve the goal of building a green, clean and beautiful Phu Giao district. All these goals are aimed at taking care of people's lives more and more completely.

When Ngo Dinh Diem decided to establish Phuoc Thanh province, along the river bridge Be to Dong Xoai, had only about 300 habitants. Huynh Van Xuyen, Secretary of Phu Giao district Party Committee of the period 1974-1976, recalled that at that time, Phu Giao people had lived mainly on forests, hunting ... The local economy had nothing, was in the grip of enemies, so the people here were very miserable. When peace came back in spring 1975, life was very difficult. Thanks to the leadership and direction of the District Party Committee and People's Committee, over many periods, people’s lives in the district are getting better.

In 2018, the district's industrial and handicraft production value reached VND 3,332 billion, an average growth rate of 12.19%. Production of enterprises in the district focused on the exploitation of non-metallic minerals such as sand, grit, clay, kaolin, and processing of rubber latex, cashew nuts, and foodstuffs, contributing to solving consumption problem for the agricultural sector and serving local industrial and construction development.

In trade and service sector, Phu Giao district also achieved a significant development. Business establishments, market network, banking services, cultural and sports services thrived in towns and communes along DT741, well serving local production, transaction, and demands. In 2000, there were 647 businesses and services in the whole district, so far it has increased to 4,815 companies and home-based businesses. In 2018, total retail sales of goods and service revenue of the whole district was VND 5,031 billion, an increase of 20.3% compared to the previous year (in 2000 this sector achieved only VND 99.7 billion in revenue).

Phu Giao district these days still has many monuments that save the heroic victories in the past, contain memories of Phuoc Thanh victory, which contributed to the liberation of the South and national unification in 1975. Also these places are witnessing changes of Phu Giao district day by day. Socio-economic development in the district; people's lives are improved. The Phuoc Thanh epic victory has been a motivation for Phu Giao Party Committee, government, and people to build a friendly and prosperous hometown.

Reported by Khanh Vinh – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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