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Grow to new heights

Update: 24-04-2023 | 14:41:53

Over a quarter of a century of construction and development, Binh Duong has really transformed, from a purely agricultural province to a thriving locality in industry, urban areas and services. However, in the process of industrialization, modernization and urbanization, the province is also facing many difficulties and challenges. Therefore, developing quickly, harmoniously, inclusively, comprehensively, sustainably and leaving no one behind is the vision that Binh Duong is aiming to implement.

It can be said that the view of rapid, harmonious, inclusive, comprehensive, sustainable development and leaving no one behind is a "launching pad" for Binh Duong to rise to new heights in the current context. The reality of the process of industrialization and modernization in Binh Duong over the past 25 years shows that, in addition to great socio-economic achievements, the province is also dealing with arising problems. That is the process of migration, mechanical population increase leading to pressure on social infrastructure; environmental pollution; unsustainable growth quality…

To concretize this policy, the province determines synchronous development of social infrastructure, health care, education; strengthen the connection between labor supply and demand, improve the quality of human resources, focus on training skilled workers, ensure social security, pay attention to the disadvantaged and disadvantaged people... While the current situation the world situation is changing rapidly and unpredictably, with uncertain risk factors, great impact on the global scale, together with the whole country, Binh Duong is making efforts to improve the business investment environment; always committed to creating favorable conditions, supporting investors and businesses in the spirit of companionship and sharing difficulties. In particular, in terms of growth model innovation, the province transformed the model to smart industry-urban-service, associated with the application of science, technology, and innovation to promote the building of a new, complementary ecosystem. complement the existing ecosystem in accordance with the requirements of investors and employees.

The concept of fast, harmonious, inclusive, comprehensive, sustainable development and leaving no one behind is not only to meet the requirements in the new situation, but also is drawn from the practice of more than 25 years of construction. construction and development of the province. This reflects the dynamism, sensitivity and creativity of Binh Duong in its efforts to become a development model of the whole country.

Reported by Dam Thanh - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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