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Health sector’s Trade Union commend 81 excellent cadres

Update: 30-07-2019 | 14:37:34

On July 26, Trade Union of provincial health sector held a meeting to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Vietnam Trade Union (28 Jul 1929 - 28 Jul 2019), 40th anniversary of health sector’s Trade Union, and commend excellent trade union cadres.

Truong Thi Bich Hanh, Chairwoman of Provincial Labor Federation (6th on the right), awards certificates of merit to exemplary grassroots trade union cadres.

At the meeting, many generations of trade union cadres of health sector reviewed the fine traditions of the working class and trade unions of Vietnamese, health sector in recent years. Over 40 years, health sector’s Trade Union was growing, from 12 affiliated unions with 800 members to 39 grassroots trade unions with nearly 6,500 members at present. These unions performed well the role of protecting legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers; contributed many ideas and opinions on policies and regimes; 100% of grassroots trade unions have representatives in wage councils, emulation councils, reward and discipline councils... contributing to building stable, unified and developing units. Activities and emulation movements received attention, especially effective implementation of learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality, and lifestyle associated with implementing grassroots democracy, code of conduct, and emulation movement "Renovating working style and serving attitude of health officials, turning towards patient’s satisfaction", building green - clean - beautiful health facilities"...

On this occasion, health sector’s Trade Union commended and rewarded 81 outstanding grassroots cadres for having many achievements in work and trade union activities.

Reported by Hong Thuan – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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