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Healthcare extended to working people

Update: 31-10-2023 | 12:21:27

In a context that workers have little opportunity to access medical facilities for medical examination and treatment, free medical examination and medicine distribution activities for workers are deeply meaningful to have aroused more social awareness and passion for dedication of medical staff, to be worthy of the people's trust.

Health and occupational disease examination conducted for workers in Thu Dau Mot city

Free health check for employees

Bau Bang district currently has more than 28,000 workers work in companies and factories. Understanding the difficulties of businesses and workers due to the effects of the world economic recession, Bau Bang cistrict Medical Center coordinated with the local Trade Union to organize free health checks for union members and workers. At Waytex International Company Limited in Lai Uyen town, nearly 20 doctors have been recently mobilized to provide free health checks to nearly 1,000 local workers. At the examination site, they receive a general examination of internal medicine and receive advice on medical procedures and health knowledge. After the examination, the workers' health status is concluded by the doctors and health check books are issued for free to both the workers and the companies. Doctors will provide dedicated treatment advice for cases where the disease is detected.

Trinh Thi Nam Thien, a garment line worker at Waytex International Co. Ltd., said: "Thanks to the attention of the company's board of directors, union officials, district Trade Union and the medical team, I and all eligible workers receive free health checks, screening and early detection of diseases that have no external manifestations. Through the program, I also know my own health status to have treatment, care, and health assurance for work and production."

Doctor Mai Thi Kim Dung, Director of Bau Bang district Medical Center, said: "The free health examination program for direct workers at units and businesses is not only a practical activity. Not only does it help female union members and workers promptly grasp their own health situation, it also contributes to spreading meaning and positive spiritual values to agencies, units, and trade unions at all levels in further improving workers' health-care. Through this activity, workers understand their own health and know how to prevent diseases, maintain health, improve quality of life, and prolong life expectancy."

Along with health care activities for workers, Ampacs International Company Limited in Lai Uyen town of Bau Bang district also supports female workers during pregnancy. Huynh Phuoc Hieu, Chairman of the company's grassroots Trade Union, said that during pregnancy, due to female workers' health conditions, the union advised the board of directors to give away VND 300,000 a month for workers in pregnancy of the 7th month onwards.

At Chi Hung Company Limited in Tan Uyen city, the provincial Family Planning Association also coordinated with the company's Board of Directors to organize cervical cancer screening for female workers. For workers, these examinations and screenings are very meaningful to both help save costs and know their health status to work with peace of mind.

Social awareness inspired for medical staff and doctors

Binh Duong is an industrially developed province where the large number of workers poses many problems for the province in terms of social security, in which it is difficult to meet the increasing medical examination and treatment needs of workers. Mechanical population growth has greatly affected the field of health and worker health care.

Free health check-ups for employees of Waytex International Co. Ltd. in Bau Bang district

Doctor Quach Trung Nguyen, Deputy Director of the Department of Health, said: "In recent years, the provincial health sector has coordinated with trade unions at all levels to organize free medical examinations and medicine distribution activities for workers in industrial parks in the province. Thanks to the close attention of local leaders, district, town and city medical centers provide modern medical equipment and supplies and dispatch a team of qualified and skilled medical staff to participate in free medical examinations and medicines to serve workers. In particular, the centers have created conditions for female workers to have the opportunity to be examined and access full and effective medical services like when going to any tertiary hospital."

Currently, most companies and businesses comply with labor laws to organize health checks for workers. In a context where the majority of workers have little opportunity to access medical facilities for medical examination and treatment, free examination and medicine distribution activities for workers are deeply meaningful. During the hard working week and weekends, the team of doctors, nurses, and medical staff devoted themselves to the workers. These meaningful social activities will help arouse more social awareness and passion for dedication of medical staff to be worthy of the people's trust.

Reported by Kim Ha – Translated by Vi Bao

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