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High schools improve quality of university admission

Update: 22-04-2013 | 00:00:00
To increase quality of university admission in 2013, from the academic year of 2012-2013, local high schools have positively spurred measures to foster weak pupils and give consultancy and orientation for pupils in choosing proper universities and colleges in conformity with their ability.   12th graders of Hung Vuong Gifted School.

Spurring vocational orientation work

In the final high school exam of school year of 2012-2013, Di An high school will have 402 examinees. Right from the early school year, the high school's directorate has held inspections to categorize pupils' level. In addition, the school has held extra training classes for pupils. In this second semester, the school directorate has spurred vocational and orientation on occupation for pupils and held meetings to inform pupils' ability to parents.

Tran Van Hai, headmaster of Di An high school, said "right from the early school year, the school has constantly invited experts of universities, colleges and vocational schools to give direct consultancies to pupils. Especially, teachers give consultancies to help them select majors in conformity with their ability. Therefore, rate of pupils passing university entrance exams increases sharply over years".

Tran Dinh Phu, headmaster of Tay Son high school in Dau Tieng district said that in this school year, the school will have 107 12th graders participating in the final high school exam. To help them gain high results in the upcoming exam, the school has held meetings for parents many times and to improve quality of high school graduation as well as quality of university admission, the school directorate has launched plans on consultancy and occupational orientation for pupils and opened training classes for weak pupils.

Examinees' interests set on top

To minimize shortcomings, the provincial department of Education and Training asked units' leaders to guide pupils in registering university entrance exams as well as help pupils choose universities and colleges in conformity with their ability.

Dang Thanh Sang, vice director of the department, said "to gain high results in the coming university entrance exams, the department held trainings on admission database to minimize shortcomings. Work of university admission has a very special importance, so leaders of schools must launch it closely, exactly and set examinees' rights and interests on the top".

Reported by N.Thanh - Translated by A.C

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