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Historical echoes of the August's autumn

Update: 01-09-2021 | 13:01:25

76 years ago, under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese people united to make a great revolution: the August Revolution in 1945 that helped the Vietnamese people stand up again. On September 2nd 1945, on behalf of the Provisional Government, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the first worker-peasant state in Southeast Asia.

Volunteers march to red zones to fight the Covid-19.

To revive the spirit of “holding hands together”

76 years ago, when the time was ripe for the August Revolution (the Japanese fascist surrendered to the Allies), President Ho Chi Minh affirmed: "At this moment, the time for victory has come, no matter how much you sacrifice, even if we must burn down the whole Truong Son mountain range, we must resolutely gain our independence." In the letter calling for the General Uprising, he said: "Dear fellow citizens! The decisive hour for the nation's destiny has come. The whole country, compatriots, let's stand up, use our strength to liberate our nation…” Responding to his call, the entire Vietnamese people united to revolt and took power back to the hands of our people within 15 days at the end of August 1945.

Over the past 76 years, since the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, under the leadership of the Party and beloved Uncle Ho, the Vietnamese people have united to overcome all difficulties, hardships and sacrifices; conducted two long struggles against French and American aggression, reunified the country; built socialism, successfully carried out the national renewal process and gained many great achievements.

Today, the whole nation is facing a huge challenge: The Covid-19 pandemic, which has had a great impact on the socio-economic areas, threatens the health and lives of people, creates an unprecedented picture in the national history". Facing the difficult circumstance caused by the pandemic, the immortal spirit of the historic August Revolution and the National Day on September 2 was strongly promoted by the whole nation. 76 years ago, if young and old people, boys and girls simultaneously rose up and protested on streets, rallies to seize power across the country, today all people and families are well following the restriction order to "stay where they are". 76 years ago, it was the seething spirit of "burning the whole Truong Son mountain range" of the Binh Duong people as well as the whole country, but now everywhere streets are quiet, houses are closed. Although the images are not the same, they share the same purpose, which is to strongly comply with the guidelines and calls of the Party and State when the country is fighting a new battle.

The spirit of using all people's strength has been developed by the whole Party, army and people in the province today. During the past few months, we have witnessed a mighty force, a synergy as the whole political system and all classes of people joined hands, united on the front against Covid-19. This new battle, although there was no gunfire, was also extremely hard, arduous, both painful and lost. However, in difficulties and dangers, hope and faith are rekindled. That is the light of solidarity, synergy, consensus; that is the belief in victory baed on determination, mutual affection, solidarity, patriotism, compatriotship".

For the people's happiness

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh once said: "I have only one desire, the ultimate desire, to make our country completely independent, our people completely free, and all compatriots to have food, clothes, everyone can go to school". Over the past 76 years, his great wish has been realized by the entire Party and people, concretized by achievements in socio-economic fields, people's lives have been continuously improved.

The 13th National Congress of the Party determined specific national construction goals: By 2025, the 50th anniversary of the complete liberation of the South and the unification of the country: To be a developing country with modern industry, pass the low middle income level; by 2030, the 100th anniversary of the Party: Being a developing country with modern industry and high middle income; to 2045, the 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: To become a developed, high-income country.

In order to realize those goals, besides the advantages and opportunities, our country also has to face many difficulties and challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic is the first major challenge the country is facing in the implementing process of the 13th Party Resolution. However, history has proven that there are no difficulties or challenges that can make the Vietnamese people falter. Because, solidarity is an extremely valuable tradition and lesson of the Vietnamese people, was forged through thousands of historical years of our nation. The August Revolution in 1945 showed a great power like a tidal wave formed by the involvement of people from all walks of life, regardless of ethnicity, religion, class, age, gender, and all economic sectors.

Being united to gain power, get rid of colonial and feudal slavery; unite to fight foreign invaders with the pinnacle victories of Dien Bien Phu 1954 and the 1975 Spring offensive... And today, the entire Party, army, and people of Vietnam have been uniting to repel and defeat the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reported by Thanh Son - Translated by Ngoc Huynh




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