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Improving quality of passenger transport services

Update: 10-04-2023 | 13:18:18

Nguyen Chi Hieu, Deputy Director of provincial Department of Transport said that leaders of the department have just asked for the traffic inspector force and relevant units under the department to strengthen the work of ensuring traffic order-safety and improve the quality of transport services in the province.

Accordingly, the department has requested the Center for Management and Operation of Public Passenger Transport to strengthen the exploitation and use of data from cruise monitoring devices, the cameras mounted on vehicles to closely monitor their operation and drivers to ensure compliance with regulations on business and transport business conditions; regularly take corrective measures and promptly handle violations. Units operating bus stations must regularly send staff to check and control the technical conditions of vehicles before they depart; resolutely not allow vehicles that do not meet technical standards, and the ones without listed prices or selling tickets without regulations to depart; organize the inspection of ticket sales and listing of ticket prices on vehicles and at ticket counters of transport business units; support and create favorable conditions for people wishing to buy tickets; take measures to prevent speculation and ticket trading, not to let the illegal increase in ticket prices, causing disorder at coach stations, affecting the quality of service to the people.

The department’s inspectors have also been ordered to strengthen patrols, arrange more forces to coordinate with provincial traffic police force to inspect and strictly handle violations of traffic order and safety; take measures to prevent and strictly handle drivers who used vehicles carrying more than the prescribed number of people; vehicles running on the wrong route, cases of listing and increasing fares contrary to regulations; end-of-life vehicles …

Reported by Binh Minh-Translated by Kim Tin

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