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Increasing use of non-agricultural land by 2020

Update: 18-07-2013 | 00:00:00
That is in the project of land use up to 2020 and plan of land use in 2011-2015 period published by provincial People’s Committee. These were approved by the Cabinet through Resolution 78/NQ-CP dated June 19th 2013. Non-agricultural land increases rapidly with the priority over industrial park development. By 2020, the province will have 37 industrial parks. Image: VSIP 1 industrial park.  Agricultural land has decreasedWith total 269,443 ha of natural land, the province has 208,403 ha of agricultural land, accounting for 77.35%. However, according to the approved project, agricultural land falls by 174,480 ha, accounting for only 64.76%. Namely, the current total land of rice growing is 7,823 ha, which was reduced by 3,000 ha by the project. Perennial land was decreased from 179,277 ha by 153,286 ha. This adjustment happens in 2 period, 2011-2015 and 2016-2020. During the first period, the cutback is as following: 2011 (207,967 ha), 2012 (203,810 ha), 2013 (199,822 ha), 2014 (194,785 ha), 2015 (189,921 ha)…The reduction of agricultural land may put pressure on agricultural economic development. Therefore, provincial agricultural production needs to enhance application of high and clean technology to increase output, ensure sustainable development.Industrial, urban land expandThe current non-agricultural land is 61,006 ha, occupying 22.64%, which will increase by 94,963 ha (35.17%) in the project. Because industrial sector will still the key industry, economic development will be prioritized. Until 2010, the province had 27 industrial parks with 8,655 ha and 8 industrial clusters. According to the project, industrial land will have increased from 9,249 ha by 14,513 ha up to 2020 with the first increase period as following: 2011 (9,249 ha), 2012 (9,749 ha), 2013 (10,773 ha), 2014 (11,473 ha), 2015 (12,163 ha).Regarding to orientation of development, Binh Duong will be a city directly under the central government with 6 districts and towns at 4 districts. The ratio of provincial citizens makes up 30% of the whole population, and will rise by 85% up to 2020. Thus urban areas of the province will increase from 4,293 ha by 6,605 ha by 2020. By 2020, 123 residential areas on 13,540 ha will be developed. This land allocation is to promote economic development, urbanization…Increase land use of education, health careThe fierce development and increasing immigrant quantity have put pressure on education and health care, leading to overcrowding in hospitals, schools. To solve this problem, the project enhances land use for these 2 sectors. Namely, existing health facilities will be enlarged and 16 hospitals, 8 health centers, 14 clinics, 16 dispensaries will be under construction. Land use of health care increases from 57 ha by 381 ha. Similarly, land for education also increases from 1,086 ha by 1,864 ha up to 2020. Additionally, land use for security, agencies, culture – society, waste treatment, transportation, irrigation, energy… is also considered.Focus on development of transport systemAccording to forecast, by 2020, provincial land use for transport system would be over 17,000 ha.Accordingly, the province will construct highways, improve regional traffic lines, urban as well as rural transport system, finish existing roads, and connect main routes. Railway through Asia and line from HCM City to My Tho, Can Tho through Binh Duong, Song Than station will also be constructed. Socio-economic targets GDP growth in 2011-2015 period is 13.5%-14% and should be maintained until 2016-2020 period. Economic structure in 2015 is 59%-38%-3% for industry-service-agriculture. GDP per capita in 2015 achieves VND63.2 mln, in 2020 is VND110-120 mln. Annual average agricultural production growth in 2011-2015 period is 4%-4.5% and 2.5%-3.5% in 2016-2020 period. Annual average industrial production growth is 19%-20% in 2011-2015 period and 16%-17% in 2016-2020 period. Annual average service production growth is 22%-23% in the first period and is maintained in the second period.Reported by Thanh Son – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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