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Industrial parks (Ips) under provincial Ips Management Board: FDI attraction reaches nearly 81% of year’s plan

Update: 11-07-2013 | 00:00:00

Industrial parks (Ips) under provincial Ips Management Board in the first half of 2013 absorbed US$283.4mln in FDI capital. Particularly, there were 24 new FDI projects with total registered capital of US$212.9mln and 21 extra-ones with US$70.5mln.  

These Ips also drew 11 new domestic projects with total registered capital of nearly VND407bln and 1 extra-one with VND11.7bln.

The above result has brought the total number of valid investment projects in industrial parks (Ips) under provincial Ips Management Board to 1,248, including 865 FDI projects with total registered capital of nearly US$5.9bln and 383 domestic ones with total registered capital of nearly VND24.8bln.

Reported by T.Minh-Translated by K.T

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