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Industrial production index of the province to be on good rise

Update: 25-09-2017 | 18:57:57


Industrial production index of the province in the first 8 months 2017 increased by 9.1% over the same period of 2016. The industries with relatively high growth rate were in manufacturing industry, up 9.3% % over the same period, such as leather production and related products increased by 12.8%; Production of rubber and plastic products increased by 14.8%; Production of prefabricated metal products (except machinery and equipment) increased by 15.5%; Production of electronic products, computers and optical products increased by 17.4%...

Products with good increasing rate over the same period were: milk and sour cream of all kinds increased by 21.7%; Footwear of all kinds increased by 15.8%; cardboard boxes (except cardboard labels) increased by 21.5%; Rubber and plastic products increased by 16.2%; Commercial electricity increased by 10.9%...

Reported by Xuan Vi – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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