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Initial results of public relations work in business bloc

Update: 15-10-2010 | 00:00:00


Laborers need to have a thorough grasp of the policies and laws

relating to their rights and interests

The public relations work of the provincial business bloc has gained results between 2005 and 2010. This is an important foundation, contributing to strengthening and building the bloc’s strong and pure Party organization; gathering laborers and businesses to get involved in movements for the sake of the society…

 Through the public relations work, the province’s Party organizations at all levels, youth unions and mass organizations have excelled at bringing the Party’s guidelines and policies to businesses and laborers, especially the “Studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s exemplary morals” campaign. The campaign has made change in awareness of the business leaders and there have also appeared exemplary role-models. The whole bloc had 41 collectives and 84 individuals praised by its Party Committee and 3 others lauded by provincial Party Committee.

 Thanks to the mobilization and education work well implemented, many problems regarding laborers’ interests and rights were timely solved over the past time. The social and charity movements have also been replicated in the whole bloc. Particularly, the bloc’s mass organizations mobilized their members to give financial contributions to building 277 gratitude and charity houses; support flood-hit people; visit and present gifts to policy beneficiary and needy families; maintain more than 100 Vietnamese heroic mothers with a total expense of more than VND27bln…

 Some businesses, namely Becamex IDC, Binh Duong Production-Export Import Co., Thien Nam Development Investment Co., Binh Duong Minerals-Construction Joint Stock Co., Dai Thien Loc Joint Stock Co., Pisico Dong An Co.,…have also got involved in building lodging facilities for laborers with cheap prices; giving support of the lodging cost for them…., aiming to make to a strong attachment with them.

 In the coming time, provincial Business Bloc’s Party Committee will further promote the public relations work. Particularly, the Party Committee will well realize the mobilization and education of the directions and decrees such as the Poliburo’s Directive No.30-CT/TW dated Feb.18, 1998 on building and implementing the regulations on democracy at the grassroots level; the Resolution of the 7th conference of the 9th Party Central Committee on upholding the strength of the national great unity bloc; the Government PM’s Directive No.18/2000/CT-TTg on strengthening public relations work; the Resolution No.20-ND/TW of the 6th conference of the 10th Party Central Committee on further building Vietnam’s working class in the period of boosting national industrialization and modernization…

 Apartedly, provincial Business Bloc’s Party Committee will further boost propaganda of the “Studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s exemplary morals” campaign among officials and civil servants; mobilize them to make thrift practice, prevention of corruption and wastefulness; improve the Party leadership in public relations work, which is linked to implementation of the regulations on democracy at the grassroots level…Businesses also need to cooperate with mass organizations to well realize policies for laborers and solve their legitimate aspirations….

Reported by K.Tan-Translated by K.T

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