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Innovate mass mobilization work to be closer to the people

Update: 29-11-2023 | 14:06:05

Always striving to innovate in mass mobilization work, in recent times, Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province have strengthened leadership and direction to build and replicate many suitable mass mobilization approaches appropriate to the practice of each locality and unit. Mass mobilization activities are increasingly oriented towards the grassroots, contributing to strengthening the blood relationship between the Party and the people; develop patriotic emulation movements, facilitating the province's socio-economic development.

"Smart mass mobilization" in implementing key projects

Highway system connecting districts of Bac Tan Uyen - Phu Giao - Bau Bang is increasingly open. In order for the project to ensure progress and quality, land acquisition and site clearance work receive special attention from the province's political system. The emulation movement "Smart mass mobilization" for site clearance of key projects was also carried out effectively, receiving the consensus among the people.

Doing a good job of mass mobilization, trade unions at all levels in the province take better care of union members and workers.

As one of pioneering households who relocated their houses and rubber gardens to build this route, Ho Thi Thang (Dong Tam hamlet, Tam Lap commune, Phu Giao district), said: “Our family thinks that making the road bigger and more beautiful is first of all to serve the benefits of family and the community. I think this is necessary so I strongly agree and support"...

In particular, the "Smart mass mobilization" movements donating lands to build roads and land clearance, building a cultural and civilized urban lifestyle etc. were staged at the "Smart Mass Mobilization" contest for State agencies and authorities at all levels of Binh Duong province in 2023 held by the Provincial People's Committee and the Provincial Party Mass Mobilization Committee. As for the skit competition, amateur actors with their rustic and intimate acting style, mostly used real situations that happened in agencies, units and localities, demonstrated the spirit of: "The thinking mind, the eyes seeing, the ears hearing, the feet walking, the mouth talking, the hands working" of those who work in mass mobilization...

Building a cultural and civilized lifestyle

From the beginning of this year, the project "Mass mobilization participates in building a cultural and civilized lifestyle in the province in the period 2021-2025" has been actively implemented by many units, actively joined the local implementation of "Bright - clean - green - beautiful - secure" roads; mobilized households to practice a civilized urban lifestyle and do business without encroaching on sidewalks and road corridors; weeded, planted flowers along roads, beautifying streets; gave free medical examination, free medicine to policy beneficiaries, gifts to the poor...

In addition, mass mobilization activities of governments at all levels have gained many changes, especially the implementation of government mobilization, reform of administrative procedures, good implementation of social security work, and improvement of living standards for the mass. The implementation of democratic regulations at the grassroots level has brought satisfaction to the people and business community, contributing to improving the province's administrative reform index, thereby creating a better investment attraction environment. Dialogue meeting between heads of party committees and governments at all levels with the people, businesses and industry forums "Listening to people's opinions" received much attention, thereby promoting democracy and the strength of the great national unity bloc.

The Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at all levels continued to enhance and affirm their core role in mass mobilization activities, with many innovations in content and methods; focused strongly on the grassroots, paid attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the people, union members, and members, improved the quality and effectiveness of movements and campaigns.

Bui Thanh Nhan, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Mass Mobilization Committee, said that in 2023, the political system in the province continued to have positive changes and achieved outstanding results. Party committees and authorities at all levels paid attention to leading and directing mass mobilization work, especially focusing on the implementation of the Project "Mass mobilization participating in building a cultural and civilized lifestyle in the province in the period 2021- 2025” step by step to achieve efficiency…

The emulation movement "Smart mass mobilization" for site clearance of key projects was implemented effectively, receiving the consensus among the people in the province.

Authorities at all levels seriously, flexibly and promptly implemented the Government's directions in accordance with the actual situation of each locality, continued to implement the 13th Party Resolution, the 11th Provincial Party Resolution, and key goals and tasks in 2023; Implemented the national strategy to develop the digital economy and digital society until 2025, with a vision for 2030; Launched the emulation movement "Digital transformation period 2023-2025" in the province; Emulation movement "Accelerating disbursement of public investment capital in Binh Duong province" in 2023...

Besides, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations continued to innovate the content and methods of operation and communication, focused strongly on the grassroots with the implementation of many practical and effective programs and activities. Festivals and religious activities are guaranteed to comply with provisions of law; Ethnic minorities and parishioners actively participate in local socio-economic development activities...

Reported by Huynh Thuy - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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