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The Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Algeria’s Annaba province have recently held a seminar to introduce the potential for trade

The Vietnamese Embassy in Italy in the last few days held meetings and activities within the framework of the Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 in Genoa.

The Vietnam-Malaysia Business Connection 2023 was organised by the Vietnam Trade Office in Malaysia

The 8th meeting of the Vietnam-Italy Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation was held in Rome from October 17-18.

As many as 150 economic experts, and representatives from ministries, sectors, and localities

Deputy Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand Vangelis Vitalis has expressed his belief in stronger trade ties

Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh held a working session

Vietnam and Israel on April 2 announced the conclusion of negotiations for their free trade agreement (FTA)

Vietnamese Ambassador to Brazil and Guyana Pham Thi Kim Hoa recently presented credentials

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisation (VUFO) organized a ceremony in Hanoi on March 25 to mark 52 years of bilateral diplomacy

Politburo member and Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh Man on March 15

Minister of State Greg Hands of the UK Department for International Trade arrived in Hanoi on February 1

The Vietnamese Embassy in Italy has hosted a press conference to announce the Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 and the celebration plan for the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties

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