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The Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Algeria’s Annaba province have recently held a seminar to introduce the potential for trade

The European Union (EU) wants to become the largest investor in Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh City and neighbouring localities,

Vietnam will continue reforming its economy, improving the business climate and fully implementing the commitments it has made to the free trade agreements (FTAs),

On March 7, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh affirmed Vietnam’s commitments to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the nation's support for cooperation partners at a UN meeting in Hanoi.

e first Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Senior Officials Meeting (SOM1) and related meetings have successfully concluded with positive outcomes

Meetings within the framework of the first Senior Official Meeting of APEC (SOM-1) are taking place in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province.

A number of science and technology events will be held during the first Senior Officials’ Meeting of APEC (SOM-1) in Nha Trang city, in the south central province of Khanh Hoa, on February 18-21.

Vietnam and Mexico have agreed to speed up negotiations for the signing of an agreement on customs cooperation and another deal on double tax avoidance.

Vietnam’s hosting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in 2017 is a good chance for the country to promote the image of a dynamic country in reform and international integration.

Vietnam hopes to increase the exchange of economic information with South Africa and enhance closer connectivity between businesses of the two countries

Vietnam hosts this year Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum following its first hosting of the event 11 years ago. APEC 2017 marks Vietnam’s new achievements in international integration.

The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum continues to be one of the most important cooperative venues for Vietnam, as its membership includes 13 out of Vietnam’s 25 strategic and comprehensive partners.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc hosted a New Year banquet in Hanoi on January 23, with the participation of foreign ministry officials and representatives from foreign embassies in Vietnam.

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