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The Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Algeria’s Annaba province have recently held a seminar to introduce the potential for trade

The Vietnamese Prime Minister will convey a strong message regarding Vietnam’s economic outlook and policies...

Domestic enterprises should stay more proactive and have wider vision for effective integration in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

The ASEAN Economic Community and free trade agreements have improved the competitiveness of Vietnam’s economy and businesses, said the Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hoang Quang Phong.

Foreign friends have been impressed by Vietnam’s expanded integration in international institutions and its bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.

Two Japanese companies have launched – New Land Vietnam Japan Joint Stock Company – a four-temperature cold chain logistics joint venture

A new website has been launched that is the Vietnamese public, social and private sector’s portal for up-to-date, complete and thorough information on ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) integration.

Vietnamese firms converged at a business forum in Hanoi on December 7 to learn about the potential of doing business in the Russian province of Kursk.

To create a fair business environment to promote the development of the private sector, experts said restructuring of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) must be hastened.

Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee has actively boosted foreign activities to affirm and enhance the position of Vietnamese youths in general and those in Binh Duong in particular

Successfully achieving a national rice brand that is recognized globally by consumers for a variety of practical reasons is a very difficult task

The third Vietnam-China Youth Festival wrapped up with a ceremony in Hanoi on November 9 afternoon.

FPT Japan is Vietnam's first company to earn 100 million USD from the Japanese market in the first 10 months of this year, according to FPT corporation.

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