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The Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Algeria’s Annaba province have recently held a seminar to introduce the potential for trade

Multiple activities such as water puppetry and Ao Dai (traditional long dress) performances within the ongoing “Vietnam Festa” in Japan’s Kanagawa prefecture

President of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Makhitovis has affirmed his region's willingness to discuss economic cooperation with Vietnam

Vietnam and Cambodia will grant preferential treatment to each other in the field of trade, thus enabling their businesses to easily access the respective markets.

Clothing and textile exports out of Vietnam jumped 4.4% on-year to US$18.7 billion in the eight months leading up to September of 2016, according to statistics of the Vietnam Cotton and Spinning Association.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken agreed on the need for Vietnam and the US to increase delegation exchanges

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has called on France to help Vietnamese localities make the best use of their advantages and build specific cooperation programmes.

Vietnamese and French enterprises gathered at a business forum in Ho Chi Minh City on September 7 to seek measures to boost their partnerships

The second Eastern Economic Forum opened in the Russian city of Vladivostok on September 2, attracting nearly 2,500 delegates from Australia, China, India

The Vietnam-Eurasia Economic Union Free Trade Agreement (VN-EAEU FTA) will take effect on October 5, 2016, according to an announcement released by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT).

Despite the impacts of the global economic downturn, Binh Duong has creatively applied central policies on international economic integration

Vietnam and India held their 8th political consultation session and 5th deputy foreign ministerial strategic dialogue in New Delhi on August 2.

BRG Group Vietnam, SeABank and Michinoku Bank of Japan have announced the formation of a consortium to promote quality agriculture and foodstuffs trade

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