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The Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Algeria’s Annaba province have recently held a seminar to introduce the potential for trade

Upholding national orientation of comprehensive integration, Vietnamese diplomacy aims to build on results, improve Vietnam’s status internationally, and help achieve national defense and socio-economic targets.

Improving human resources and revamping the labour structure are strategic solutions to improving the competitiveness of the economy in the context of deeper and wider international integration.

Multilateral diplomacy deserves to have a higher place among priorities of Vietnam’s foreign policy in the coming time, said Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in a recent article.

The formation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) represents a springboard for further development of Vietnam and Thailand economic cooperation and trade relations

The birth of the ASEAN Community at the end of this year is expected to bring a number of pragmatic benefits to member countries and their people, Vietnam’s Ambassador to ASEAN has said.

"Viet Nam is seen as the country that will benefit the most to get the biggest benefits from TPP,

The birth of the ASEAN Community at the end of this year is expected to bring a number of pragmatic benefits to member countries and their people, Vietnam’s Ambassador to ASEAN has said.

The ASEAN Economic Community will be officially established at the end of this month. Pursuant to signed agreements, ASEAN member countries will accept each other’s qualifications.

The ASEAN Community is set to formally take effect on December 31. It includes the three pillars which are economics, politics and security and socio-cultural components.

The Republic of South Africa wants to elevate relations with Vietnam to strategic partnership.

Proactive integration and open, diversified, multilateral diplomatic policies of the Party, State have created favorable conditions for economic sectors to develop.

Vietnam and Japan agreed to boost collaboration at international and regional forums at their 6th strategic dialogue

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