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Investor Day creates opportunities for businesses

Update: 17-02-2012 | 00:00:00

The event was co-organized by Entrepreneur Magazine, Vinabull Company, Le Bros Company, and Info TV Channel. 

At the event, speakers provided a macroeconomic overview and shared their successful experiences to foster innovations for their business operations.

Economic expert Le Dang Doanh analysed Vietnam’s challenges and opportunities in 2012, saying inflation and bank interest rates will go down and economic restructuring, mostly targeting public investment, banks and State-owned enterprises (SOEs) will be enhanced, - a move that encourages the private sector to invest in infrastructure development projects.

Doanh said the restructuring process will create opportunities for the stock market to rebound, and the economy to attract more investment through merger and acquisition (M & A) deals.

According to the senior expert, economic groups’ divestment from their non-core businesses and the equitisation of SOEs will be boosted to shore up the financial market.

Alan Phan, President and CEO of Viasa Fund, also introduced to participants attractive business and investment channels for 2012. Le Thanh An, the US Consul General in HCM City, delivered a speech on business opportunities with American businesses, while the Chief Representative of Aureos Capital Vietnam presented the current challenges and opportunities in M & As.

Other scholars such as Le Quoc Vinh, President and CEO of the Le Group; Dang Le Nguyen Vu, President and CEO of Trung Nguyen Coffee; and Chu Tien Dung, President of Quang Trung Software Park, also delivered reports on barriers and strategies to overcome difficulties in communications and entertainment, investment opportunities in the information technology industry, and forecasts of the real estate market in 2012, as well as opportunities to make money in the banking and securities sectors. 


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