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Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam speaks highly of Binh Duong’s investment climate

Update: 21-12-2019 | 10:59:01

Early December 12, Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee received Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Umeda Kunio.

At the reception, Mr.Dung spoke highly of cooperation between Japan and Vietnam in general, Japan and Binh Duong in particular while informing the delegation of the local socio-economic development. Japan has so far taken the lead in foreign investment in Binh Duong and supported the province in infrastructure development projects. He also wanted that Mr.Umeda Kunion will further make more contributions for comprehensive cooperation between the two countries in the coming time.

For his part, Mr.Umeda Kunion highly appreciated the potential and strides of Binh Duong over the past time. Provincial leaders have always paid more attention to improving the local investment climate. The province has implemented some projects on traffic infrastructure, including the Japanese funded bus rapid transit (BRT) route project from Binh Duong new city to Suoi Tien. Japan is also very interested in HCM city’s project on expanding the metro line No.1. Hence, he wanted that Binh Duong will take solutions to carry out procedures for investment. He also desired that the two sides will further promote cooperation in terms of football, education…

Reported by Ho Van-Translated by K.T

Binh Duong
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