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Joining hands for a trash-free city in Phu Loi ward of Thu Dau Mot city

Update: 26-09-2023 | 10:28:44

Recently, Phu Loi ward has actively implemented many environmental protection models, contributing to building a waste-free, civilized, clean, and beautiful Thu Dau Mot city.

Residents of neighborhoods in Phu Loi ward regularly come out to clean up roads

The people agree

In Quarter 4, the Executive Board has coordinated with residents to effectively implement the model of "Residential clusters that know how to maintain common hygiene" in Alley No. 1 of Huynh Van Nghe Road. The model has promoted the role and responsibility of self-management environmental protection groups in building trash-free alleys.

Every day at 6:30, households in this alley simultaneously go out to clean their yards and the roads in front of their houses. Le Thi Nam, Head of the Residential Quarter, said: "The residential households in Group 31 includes 22 with the awareness to voluntarily participate in cleaning and disposing of trash according to regulations. Alley 01 is always guaranteed to be clean." Nguyen Quoc Thuan, a householder in this alley, shared that every early morning, his family members participate in cleaning as a meaningful and practical job in protecting the environment and protecting the health of family members and surrounding people.

According to Quach Lam, Head of the Executive Committee of Quarter 4, implementing the no-garbage neighborhood model has prompted the neighborhood to establish an environmental group with 48 members, including neighborhood officials, unions, and organizations of the environmental protection self-management group and some households on alleys. All 15 alleys of the neighborhood have members managing and supervising them to ensure the implementation of environmental regulations. The "residents that know how to maintain general hygiene" in Alley number 1 of Group 31 is one of the groups that operates relatively well by dumping trash on time, on the right day, and in the right place.

According to Quach Lam, in addition to implementing garbage criteria, the neighborhood also ask households to commit not to let dogs out on the street and to comply with disease vaccinations. Basically, people's awareness is that they well observe and follow the regulations, contributing to making the neighborhood's appearance increasingly cleaner, more beautiful and more civilized.

Towards civilization

According to Do Xuan Hung, Vice Chairman of Phu Loi ward People's Committee, in order to improve the effectiveness of environmental protection, the ward is implementing the project to improve the quality of the campaign of "Building a cultural and civilized urban lifestyle" in 2021-2025 and the "trash-free city" model in Thu Dau Mot city in 2023-2025.

To implement the "trash-free city" model, the ward has issued a plan to implement specific tasks in addition to propagating the model to raise awareness. In 2023, the ward implement 2 models of car-to-car garbage delivery to 10 model alleys and residential areas. In addition, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the ward also participated in the contest of "No-garbage neighborhood" by choosing Neighborhood 4 as the contest point to raise people's awareness in complying with regulations on environmental protection to successfully complete neighborhood construction targets of trash-free alleys. In addition, the ward promptly praises groups and individuals with good and effective ways of implementing the model's criteria and replicating them.

Do Xuan Hung added that the whole ward currently has 174 alleys with the average amount of household waste per day at about 25 tons. The authority and people in the 9 neighborhoods are determined to join hands to build a civilized, clean, and beautiful city, striving to have all alleys in the ward installed with time notice boards by 2023 to collect and transport household solid waste. Collection and transportation units must collect and transport in accordance with issued regulations.

Phu Loi ward strives to ensure that alleys, parks, and gardens in the area are clean by 2024 with no waste, disposal, or accumulation of household solid waste in improper places. People participating in outdoor activities and events organized by wards and neighborhoods do a good job of disposing of trash in the right places. By 2025, it strives for 100% of households in the area to classify household solid waste at the source to ensure that residential areas and boarding houses do not have a backlog of trash.

Reported by Tien Hanh – Translated by Vi Bao

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