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Joint training programs open good opportunities to vocational schools

Update: 13-06-2013 | 00:00:00
 Ministry of Education and Training just approved joint training programs with vocational schools for Eastern International University (EIU). Binh Duong Newspaper reporters had a short interview with the President of EIU, Ph.D Nguyen Van Phuc.Please refer to the approval of Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) on the joint training programs and what fields and courses have been approved?On April 24, 2013, MOET issued Decision No. 1489/QD-BGDDT approving joint training programs of EIU with professional junior colleges, vocational schools, and junior colleges to offer university degrees. Joint programs with professional junior colleges and vocational schools for university degree include the courses of electric and electronic engineering, control and automation engineering, electromechanic engineering, software engineering, communication and computer network, and nursing. Joint programs with junior colleges for university degree include the courses of electric and electronic engineering, control and automation engineering, electromechanic engineering, software engineering, communication and computer network, and business administration.How are the implementing plans of EIU after such approval? What can be offered to students and trainees?We have reviewed and reported to the MOET of courses for the joint programs with projected graduation out-take, enrollment, training schemes, evaluation methods, and quality assurance procedures. The joint programs are to create learning opportunities to learners and develop professions that the society needs while saving costs and improving effectiveness and education equality. This is a good time for students and trainees of vocational institutions to improve their qualification at university level through our international standard programs. However, the students and trainees should be qualified for foreign language competence which is a vital factor in job seeking and higher pay. Students of Portland University (USA) are on academic exchange at EIU What lies ahead for in-service people attending the joint programs?Industrial parks in Binh Duong Province and the neighboring localities attract great population of employees and workers. The needs do not stay limit to vocational trainees and students who would eventually seek for higher qualification in universities. MOET approved both in-service or part-time and regular or full-time university training, offering more opportunities to them. Normally, they only need 2 to 3.5 years for higher qualifications from college and vocational level. Such qualification shall be genuinely equal to regular university degrees confered by EIU.With more work force trained, shall it be a source of investment attraction? What does Becamex IDC offer and support?Binh Duong Province is in great need for high quality and basically trained work force. We committed to joint programs to offer more work force locally and then nation wide. This is just like open a new door for vocational and college students and trainees to higher and more skillful qualification backed by English competence. Becamex IDC supports all types of training for English learning tuition, campus, school buses, sport center, wireless internet in dormitory, intership, and enterprise communication for job opportunities. Students are working in a lab of EIU Besides, the students and trainees shall be in comfortable environment with modern facilities and friendly classroom as well as many other benefits brought about for the only target of sustainable development.Thank you!Interviewed by Phuoc Giang – Translated by Vi Bao
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