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Kraft Vina Co.Ltd. expands production in Binh Duong

Update: 13-08-2013 | 00:00:00

Provincial People’s Committee Chairman Le Thanh Cung yesterday received and worked with Chalokeporn Phalajivin, General Director of Kraft Vina Paper Co.Ltd. about the company’s production expansion in the province.

Kraft Vina Paper Co.Ltd. under Thailand’s SCG Corporation in the My Phuoc Industrial Park in Ben Cat district is specialized in manufacturing paper and paper products. 97% of the company’s products are consumed in Vietnam while the remaining 3% products are exported into Japan. Currently, the company’s factory operates with the maximum capacity of 225,000 tons a year. The company has planned to raise its factory’s capacity to 250,000 tons a year with the state-of-the-art production line of US$150mln.

Mr.Cung spoke highly of the company’s effective business & production operations and policies of taking care of laborers over the past time, especially agreed with the company’s production expansion plan. He also said that provincial People’s Committee would create favorable conditions for the company to quickly implement its production expansion plan.

Reported by T.Minh-Translated by K.T

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