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Leaders of the provincial People's Committee received and worked with the delegation of Cambodian Ministry of Home Affairs

Update: 05-03-2019 | 11:05:00

In the afternoon of March 4, Mr. Mai Hung Dung, Standing Committee member of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee received and worked with the Delegation of the Cambodian Ministry of Home Affairs, led by Mr. Buon Heng, Director of the Administration Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Head of the team.

At the meeting, Mr. Mai Hung Dung introduced an overview of the province's socio-economic development. Currently, Binh Duong is ranked the 3rd in the country in attracting foreign investment; 29 industrial zones with an area of ​​12,743 ha; 12 industrial clusters with an area of ​​790 ha; There are 64 countries and territories with investment projects in Binh Duong. By 2020, Binh Duong will have 34 IPs with a planning of 14,790 ha. Binh Duong has always focused on investment in infrastructure, meeting investors' needs, especially the administrative procedure reform of the province is highly appreciated by investors.

Mr. Buon Heng said the group wanted to learn about how to implement administrative reforms under the OSS mechanism in Binh Duong province, such as: How to arrange a one-stop shop mechanism from commune to district level; form of service provision; how to use technology in administrative reform; policies to support OSS officers ... Representatives of functional agencies also responded to the delegation at the meeting; At the same time, exchange of advantages, difficulties and ways of doing administrative reform under the one-door mechanism from commune, ward, district, town to provincial level. According to the plan, in 2 days 5 and 6-3, the delegation will visit and study some of the one-stop administrative models in the localities of Binh Duong.

Reported by Thanh Le – Translated by Vi Bao

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