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Leaders receive Cuban First Vice President

Update: 22-06-2013 | 00:00:00

 Welcoming the delegation, the Party leader said the visit is a good chance for the two sides to exchange experiences and learn from each side’s reality.  

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong receives First Vice President of the Council of State of Cuba Miguel Diaz Canel

 On the occasion, the Vietnamese Party leader reiterated the gratitude for the very precious support and assistance the Party and people of Cuba have given Vietnam .

 Vietnam ’s Party and people support Cuba ’s justice cause, he stressed.

 First Vice President Canel expressed his delight at visiting Vietnam for the first time. He said Vietnam is in the hearts of generations of Cuban people.

 The guest said he admired Vietnam ’s achievements in its doi moi (renewal) process and saw them as valuable experience to be consulted by Cuban people in implementing their updated socio-economic development model.

 Cuba wants to further deepen and boost its friendly relations with Vietnam , he added.

 The same day, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met with the visiting Cuban First Vice President and his entourage.

 Welcoming the Cuban guests, PM Dung stressed that Vietnam attaches special importance to its relationship with Cuba.

 Vietnam wants to strengthen and make the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation with Cuba as practical and efficient as possible in all sectors for the benefits of both sides, he noted.

 In the coming time, the PM went on to say, the Vietnamese side will further boost cooperation with Cuba in aquaculture, food supply, biotechnology and pharmacy.

 The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam will try its best to make a project to help Cuba grow wet rice become a model for the fine relations between the two countries, he noted.

 First Vice President Canel said his country welcomes and will create all possible conditions for Vietnamese investors.

 Vietnamese investment is applauded in all sectors, including rice production, telecommunications, light industry, health, education, sports, pharmacy, tourism, infrastructure development and gas and oil, the Cuban official said.

 He affirmed that his country is willing to become a bridge connecting Vietnam and Latin American and Caribbean nations.


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