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Letting laborers’offspring go to school with “light burden”

Update: 22-08-2023 | 12:15:13

The new school year is approaching. Along with trade unions at all levels, other mass organizations in the province have been actively mobilizing resources to join hands to support the offspring of trade unionists and employees with difficult circumstances. The gifts have contributed to more motivation for the children to go to school with "light burden".

Worrying about children before the new school year

Besides facing the fear of job shortage and declining income, many families of workers in the province have more concerns when their children enter the new school year. In addition to making admission documents, many families also have to calculate expenses at the beginning of the school year.

TBS Group awards study promotion scholarships to workers ‘children

Pham Thi Gai, a worker at Hai My Co.Ltd. in Thuan An city said that this new school year, her family has a child in grade 5 and a child in preschool. Due to some reasons, her family is forced to send the second child to a private school with school fees that are higher than those of public schools. Meanwhile, her husband works as a freelancer. Since early this year, he has not had much work, with unstable income. Her salary has also been decreased because the company has reduced her working hours. Therefore, she has had to apply for a part-time job at garment factories to earn extra income.

“In the past, if working overtime helped me get more income and my husband's job was favorable, my family would not face many difficulties and was enough to take care of the children entering the new school year. But, over the past 2 years, every new school year, I had to spend nearly my one month’s salary on expenses for their kids ‘learning", confided Mrs. Gai.

Dang Thi Hieu, a worker at Yazaki EDS Vietnam Co., Ltd. in Di An city is also worried when her child is about to go back to school. This year, her son enters the 12th grade, so her worries about his education have doubled. Hieu has been seriously ill and has had to undergo kidney dialysis for many years. All expenses for medical treatment and living in the family mainly depend on her husband's driver's salary.

“This is the final school year of my son’s high school program, so I have a lot of things to take care of. I always get a lot of material and spiritual help from the company’s trade union, directorate and co-workers. Whenever there is any support, the company gives priority to me. Employees like us just wish there will be more support policies in the difficult context to make our lives more stable.”

Actively mobilizing resources to help needy students

Thai Binh Investment Joint Stock Company (TBS Group) has just held the 20th scholarship awarding ceremony for 1,784 students who are the offspring of officials, employees working for its units and factories in Binh Duong province, with good academic achievements in the 2022-2023 academic year.

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This year, TBS Group has decided to award study promotion scholarships to 8,052 students with a total value of more than VND 7.6 billion with the desire of sharing part of the costs for employees before the new school year, helping employees feel secure to work and stick with it.

As one of many parents who took their children to receive the group's study promotion scholarships, Nguyen Thi Dung said that this scholarship money is very precious because everyone is experiencing a hard time. Being supported more or less will also help employees reduce the burden. “We are very happy and excited to receive the attention of the company like this. Workers living are far from home like us feel warm because they are cared in a timely manner. This will help us have more motivation to work and stick with the group and the homeland of Binh Duong.”

Over the past time, provincial trade unions at all levels actively mobilized resources to share, support and award scholarships students who are the offspring of difficult trade unionists and workers, helping them further pursue their learning. Ong Thuy Hoang Mai, Vice President of provincial Labor Union said that for families with difficult circumstances, the worry of books and clothes for their children when entering the new school year is always a concern. Understanding that, provincial Labor Union has called on sponsors, donors to join hands in supporting the students. From that call, thousands of students who are the offspring of public employees and poor workers in the province have so far received support from agencies, units, businesses and donors.

According to provincial Department of Education and Training, Binh Duong will not increase tuition fees in the 2023-2024 academic year. The department is collecting opinions from relevant units to advise provincial People's Committee on submitting them to provincial People's Council to issue a resolution regulating tuition fees for public preschools and general education institutions for the 2023-2024 school year. In addition, the department is also collecting opinions on the level of preschool and general education tuition fees that are suitable for people's ability to pay and balance the local State budget.

Reported by Hong Phuong-Translated by Kim Tin

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