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Linking to develop Vietnamese goods for Southeastern market

Update: 15-02-2012 | 00:00:00

Potentials to develop the Southeastern region’s market are very big but they have not yet to be upheld. Participants at a seminar on development linkage for the Southeastern market held at Vung Tau city on Feb. 14 pointed out many reasons.


A high quality Vietnamese goods stall seeks opportunities in Vung Tau city.

Traditional distribution system paid less attention

At present, high requirement and rising purchasing power have made customers adapt to professional distribution system. This triggers a harsh competition between professional distributions system and traditional distribution system. In addition, local trade centers and supermarkets have also competed sharply with multi-national retail groups such Lotte, Big C, Metro…

According to the delegates, the traditional distribution system has been less paid attention at localities. Besides, local businesses’ distribution channels has not yet to create a solid foundation as well as disadvantaged goods transport with high expenses have increased prices of products.

Meanwhile, market information and distribution network are still in shortage and in obsoleteness. All of these have created a Southeastern market unconformity with its potentials.

  Clients visit a stall of Minh Long I Co. Ltd.

Linkage strengthened

Overall, reps of the Trade and Industry Departments from province and cities and some businesses said that to develop the Southeastern market, it is necessary to create a trade for Vietnamese commodities and raise efficiency of program on bringing Vietnamese goods to rural areas.

For a long-term strategy, it is essential to set up a basic and sustainable network for Vietnamese goods, not just mobile goods selling trips.

In addition, it is necessary to build chains of selling Vietnamese goods to districts and townships and to bring Vietnamese commodities to traditional markets.

In order to create an impetus for development of the Southeastern market, Le Thi Nga, vice head of the Domestic Market Bureau under the Ministry of Trade and Industry asked provinces and cities in the Southeastern region to pay attention and research regional linkage and development planning on trade infrastructure as well as issue preferential policies of trade infrastructure investment and build and launch effectively trade promotion programs and intensively bring Vietnamese goods to rural areas.

In addition, she also asked to control price hike, commercial speculation and so on in an attempt to ward off bad impacts on trademark of high quality Vietnamese goods and mobilization of “Vietnamese people give priorities to use Vietnamese goods”.

Reported by T.Dong – Translated by A.C

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