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Living reality from Binh Duong

Update: 08-11-2023 | 11:41:16

Socialist-oriented market economy is our country’s general economic model during the transition period to socialism. Building and developing a socialist-oriented market economy is our Party’s breakthrough in theory and building of socialism. Since the 6th Party Congress, this model has been perfected with its soundness proven through reality after more than 35 years of implementing the country's renewal policy...

In Binh Duong, on the basis of theoretical awareness, viewpoints and policies of the Party on developing a socialist-oriented market economy, after more than 25 years of construction and development, the province has focused on transforming the model from underdeveloped agriculture, relying heavily on economic sectors with State capital to a multi-sector economy; taking the State economy as the leading force and the private economy and foreign-invested economy as the main driving force in industrial - urban - service development...

Thanks to the flexible application of the Party's renewal policies and guidelines plus the spirit of being dynamic, creative, daring think and knowing how to do, from a purely agricultural province, Binh Duong has become a locality with industrial development in the top group in the southern key economic region and the whole country; always taken lead in FDI  attraction. The local economy has grown at a high level for many consecutive years, even amid the world’s economy showing signs of crisis or recession...

Along with economic development, Binh Duong has always attached special importance to developing all aspects of cultural and social life. The province has mobilized maximum resources to invest in developing education and health; well solved social problems and ensured social welfare, letting all people enjoy the fruits of the local development. Since 2017, Binh Duong has no longer had poor households under central standards...

The great achievements done the Party Committee, government and people of Binh Duong province after more than 25 years of construction and development are very proud and respectful. The living reality in Binh Duong as well as other localities throughout the country has confirmed the correctness of the socialist-oriented market economy model that our Party and people have chosen.

Reported by Dam Thanh-Translated by Kim Tin

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