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Local GRDP in Q1 increases at lower level than previous years

Update: 05-04-2023 | 11:40:25

On the afternoon of April 4, provincial People's Committee held a press conference to inform the local socio-economic situation, national defense and security in the first quarter of 2023. Vo Anh Tuan, Chief of provincial People's Committee Office and Le Tuan Anh, Director of provincial Department of Information and Communications chaired the press conference, in attendance of representatives of provincial departments, sectors, reporters of press agencies in and out of the province.

At the press conference, representative of provincial People's Committee briefly informed delegates of the local socio-economic situation, national defense - security in the first quarter of 2023 and key tasks in the second quarter of the year. In the first quarter of the year, the province's socio-economic situation developed stably on aspects... Reporters of the press agencies also raised questions about the province's gross regional domestic product (GRDP) with lower increase than previous years, information on recent cases; solutions to overcome difficulties on site clearance for the local electricity projects and works; poverty reduction programs; solutions to support farmers and enterprises to overcome difficulties; procurement of educational management soft wares, efficiency of application of information technology in educational management at present; situation of laborers and jobs; measures to ensure the supply of petrol and oil; activities of auto registration and inspection centers…Representatives of relevant departments and sectors answered frankly, clarifying the above issues while putting forward solutions in the coming time.

Mr.Tuan thanked contributions by the press agencies in comprehensively informing and reflecting the local socio-economic, defense - security fields over the past time. As for the above mentioned issues, he suggested relevant sectors to focus on solving them and soon provide press agencies with relevant information in accordance with regulations, thereby opportunely conveying official information in order to create consensus in the society, actively contributing to the local development.

Reported by Hong Thuan-Translated by Kim Tin

Local GRDP
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