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Local trade and industry sector focuses on implementing 9 key tasks

Update: 05-07-2013 | 00:00:00

At the conference, leaders of the department reported implementation situation of every unit and petitioned issues relating to trade and industry work. The event also focused on assessing results in the first half of this year and set out the remaining missions in this year.

In the first half of this year, despite difficulties in local and foreign economy, the sector remained gaining remarkable results with industrial production value of VND63,901bil, reaching 39% of its plan, total retail turnover of VND38,579bil, winning 42% of its plan, export turnover of US$5,933mil, amounting 42% of its yearly plan, import revenue of $4,961mil, winning 44% from the same period last year.

Reported by T.Huynh – Translated by A.C

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