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Long Tan commune-based animal husbandry is on the rise

Update: 13-08-2013 | 00:00:00
Though rubber is a staple product of Long Tan communal economy, the locality has recently emerged breeding movement. Therefore, many households have enjoyed a high profit from the movement.  At a milk cow farm of Nguyen Van Khuong in Long Tan commune.Chicken and pig raised on outsourcingDespite disadvantage of traffic, Long Tan commune of Dau Tieng district has enjoyed advantages of climate and soil conditions. Realizing local potentials of animal husbandry, since 2006, Long Tan commune People's Committee has initiated an emulation movement on good breeding for farmers and offered assistances on capital and technique for them.Under the local authority's encouragement, local households bravely borrowed capital and registered to join in training classes on poultry and cattle breeding. Many of them have invested in breeding chicken and pig on outsourcing contracts. Up to now, the entire commune has had 87 breeding farmsteads. Nguyen Thanh Tam said "After several years of trial breeding and finding out high efficiency from this model, I decided to expand my breeding scale". Most of breeding models in the commune have been developed on industrial models. With this trend, only a short time, quality and quantity of animal husbandry herein have been improved significantly. As of late July, 2013, the whole commune had nearly 140,000 chickens and 18,180 pigs from over 100,000 poultries and cattles in 2010.A milk cow cooperative to be set upIn 2001, local farmers started breeding milk cows but the work was not developed owing to its poor efficiency. "In 2004, when milk price plunged, many milk cow breeding households in Long Tan thought of selling cows to breed other animals, but I encouraged them to keep milk cows", Le Van Khuong, head of Long Tan commune milk cow breeding team revealed. Overcoming difficulties, in 2008, the number of milk cow herds in this locality rose additional 50% compared with 2001. At present, the total milk cow herds in the commune is now at 209 milk cows.Realizing strong development of milk cow breeding in the commune, local authority agreed on setting up Long Tan milk cow cooperative to cut intermediary costs. Reported by D.Thang - Translated by A.C
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