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Love your homeland more through lessons

Update: 06-04-2024 | 20:23:58

Education about locality is one of the subjects in the 2018 general education program, providing useful knowledge about the place where students live, fostering love for the homeland for students... In Binh Duong, education about locality is innovated to provide students with effective and practical learning experiences.

Students of My Phuoc Junior High School present on the topic "Protecting Binh Duong cultural heritage" in a locality education class.

Diversify teaching content

The content of locality education consists of local historical, cultural, socio-economic and environmental topics. These topics are integrated into the curriculum of subjects, such as: history, geography, civics education, literature... To help students absorb knowledge effectively, teachers have applied diverse teaching methods, such as: Presentation combined with photos, videos, maps; organize practical experience activities such as visiting historical and cultural relics, industrial parks, and agricultural zones; Use games, group activities...

Talking about the teaching and learning locality subject at school, Tran Thi Ha, Vice Principal of Hoi Nghia Junior High School (Tan Uyen City), said that currently the locality subject is taught according to topics, such as history of Binh Duong;  traditional music; population and society... Teachers can innovate teaching methods by flexibly teaching in class, at museums, organizing groups for students to discuss, debate, and present their own opinions or organize other extracurricular activities... The school always creates favorable conditions for teachers to organize the teaching and learning activities in the best way.

In addition, school Youth Unions and HYPOs also integrate locality education into life skills training activities, seminars, talks, meetings with historical witnesses, or journey to revolutionary addresses in the area to organize the admission of HYPO members, youth union members, extracurricular sessions integrated into flag-saluting time at the beginning of the week... so that students can have more experiences and be more interested in locality topics.

As a person directly involved in teaching locality subject, Le Minh Quan, teacher of My Phuoc Junior High School (Ben Cat Town), said: “We regularly organize a variety of activities in this subject according to each topic to help students understand more about the land and people of Binh Duong, where they live and study. Diversifying teaching methods aims to help students be excited in each lesson and have more love for their homeland. That love will be fostered from the most simple and familiar things, including school lessons."

An experiential local history class brings a lot of excitement to students at Luong The Vinh Primary School, Thuan An City

Generate interest for students

At Luong The Vinh Primary School (Thuan An City), locality lessons are often integrated with practical experience activities at historical relics and local craft villages. Recently, in a locality class, the school's students directly visited and experienced Lai Thieu pottery village. Ho Thi Diep Phuong, Principal of the school, said that locality education not only helps students understand the land and people where they were born and raised, but is also a way to help them become more deeply aware of the nation and hometown's history. We have closely followed the instructions of our superiors to choose the most practical content for students. To teach this subject well, the school encouraged teachers to research and learn from documents about local culture and history to apply creativity in each lesson to generate interest for students.

In our curriculum, many teachers have also "practicalized" lessons by joyful activities, bringing a lot of excitement to students. Nguyen Pham Thi Quynh Nhu, a student of class 10T2 at Hung Vuong Gifted High School (Thu Dau Mot City), said: “I am very excited as learning locality classes because through this subject I learn about the cultural beauty of my hometown Binh Duong. Then I become even more proud and love my hometown Binh Duong more." Sharing the same feeling, Huynh Phu Quy, a student of class 7A1 at My Phuoc Junior High School, said that when participating in a locality class, he felt very excited and looking forward to it because this subject has different topics with many activities. Through each lesson, students can be creative and express their feelings."

Locality education plays an important role in educating students to love their homeland and country. Through this subject, children learn about the traditional cultural values of their homeland, thereby forming a sense of protecting and promoting these values. No matter what subject, innovation in teaching is very necessary. Educating students by experiencing the "addresses" from the lesson is the most advisable and effective thing to do.

Currently, Binh Duong has been teaching the locality education program for students in grades 6, 7, 8 and 10 and 11. As for grades 9 and 12, in the 2024-2025 school year, the province will teach this subject.

Reported by Tue Nhi - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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