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Maintaining tollbooths in 2014

Update: 04-12-2013 | 00:00:00
According to newly issued Circular 159/2013/TT-BTC, fees, which are collected by tollbooths at routes constructed for economic purposes, will be collected as follow: Car having under 12 seats, truck having loading capacity of under 2 tons, buses: VND15,000 – 52,000;Car having from 12 to 30 seats, truck having loading capacity of from 2 to under 4 tons: VND20,000 – 70,000;Car having from 31 and more seats, truck having loading capacity of from 4 to under 10 tons: VND25,000 – 87,000;Truck having loading capacity of from 10 to under 18 tons, truck with 20-feet container: VND40,000 – 140,000;Truck having loading capacity of 18 and more tons, truck with 40-feet container: VND80,000 – 200,000;Motorcycles having 2 or 3 wheels are exempt from this toll.Concrete fees will be regulated by the Ministry of Finance or province-level People’s Council in accordance with length and grade of roads, but cannot exceed 2.5 times of the minimum level in this frame. The Circular takes effect from January 1st 2014.Reported by T.Hong – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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