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Making Binh Duong into driving force for regional development

Update: 05-01-2024 | 12:06:24

Early January 4, provincial Department of Planning and Investment coordinated with Becamex IDC and the National Institute for Urban and Rural Planning (VIUP) to organize a workshop to collect opinions from provincial Fatherland Front Committee, socio-political, social organizations and professional societies to the provincial planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.

Construction of a modern industrial and service center

Reporting on the content of collecting opinions at the workshop, MSc-Architect Le Hoang Phuong, Director of the Hanoi Center for Architecture and Planning under VIUP said that the plan has proposed 6 breakthroughs for the period of 2021-2030, including completing traffic infrastructure facilities with regional connectivity; synchronously deploying smart urban areas; building innovation zones; establishing corporate resettlement policies and plans; setting up a cross-border e-commerce strategy and building a large-scale industrial - urban - service complex.

Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee speaks at the workshop

Msc-Architect Le Hoang Phuong also outlined 5 integrated strategies, 36 action programs. Among them, there are 8 strategic programs classified as "special priority" in planning, comprising of  transforming the model of industrial development, improving the quality of human resources, developing green space networks, fostering smart urban areas, promoting innovation, international integration... According to Msc-Architect Le Hoang Phuong, 8 strategic programs have a particularly important meaning for Binh Duong to overcome challenges, achieve high and sustainable development goals, becoming a driving force center for regional development. The province needs to mobilize resources and deploy them soon. This group of content is called "Binh Duong Actions" collectively.

According to the provincial planning, the vision to 2050 is that Binh Duong will be a modern urban, industrial and service area with regional and international stature, and one of the locomotives promoting national economic development with the driving force for growth from industry, services, innovation. The province has a solid economic base, high competitiveness, with inclusive and harmonious economic development among regions. The local people have income levels that are equivalent to developed countries.

Transforming development ecosystem

According to the local planning, in the coming period, Binh Duong needs to transform its development ecosystem. Specifically, it is necessary for the province to successfully transform the growth model from width to depth of the economy based on modern science and technology, digital transformation in production and administration, improving the quality and efficiency of the growth. Binh Duong's economy will focus on industries and fields with high added value, reducing production costs, proactively producing and exporting goods with high scientific content, on the basis of thoroughly exploiting potential and advantages.

Binh Duong upholds its advantages, with focus on industrial and urban development under the green growth model. In picture: VSIP II’s infrastructure system is green and modern

Binh Duong needs a synchronous and comprehensive solution system, with focus on a number of key solutions, including removing institutional difficulties, creating a favorable environment for investment and business of enterprises and people; promoting research and development of high-quality human resources associated with knowledge-based economy; promoting green growth. The province needs to convert from the model of "industrial - urban - service zone" on a local scale to the model of "urban - service – industry zone" on an overall scale of the entire province. Particularly, industrial parks are connected to large infrastructure, closely linked to urban areas, in parallel with forming up innovation centers with locations and infrastructure facilities suitable to the region's high-quality workforce.

According to Nguyen Kim Loan, Chairwoman of provincial Labor Union, the development strategy in planning needs to have solutions for planning entertainment facilities for workers, strategies for green environment, green growth policies, space for dynamic development, social housing settlement space for workers while paying attention to the problem of relocating enterprises in the south to the north.

According to Vo Minh Duc, Vice-Chairman of Binh Duong Minerals Association, the province has a prime location in terms of ports, roads, land, including mineral resources. He said that in planning work, the province should pay special importance to the development of common construction materials to serve the construction of the local projects. Besides, the issue of planning for bricks, soil, tiles, and sand needs to be reconsidered or moderately planned to suit the local actual situation.

At the workshop, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Member of provincial Association of Architects highly appreciated the provincial planning, but needed to reevaluate the local traffic system. The difference between Binh Duong and other localities is that there are 2 rivers that are convenient for river development. Mr. Phuc also asked for consulting units to pay more attention to climate change issues, net zero, reassess the effectiveness of industrial parks and clean energy.

Strategic, integrated and breakthrough actions with Binh Duong's own way continue being the basic driving force for Binh Duong to promote its advantages, overcome challenges and combine with localities in the Southeastern region, becoming a model of national urbanization and industrialization development, an attractive and prestigious destination for domestic and international investors, enterprises, experts and workers.

Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee: Provincial planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 aims at building and developing Binh Duong along with other provinces in the Southeastern region into a region with important growth driving force of the country, one of the centers of dynamic, comprehensive development, modern service-industrial centers, with sustainable urban development under the green growth model, adapting to climate change together with a strong region in terms of national defense - security and international economic cooperation and competition... It is recommended that the consulting unit needs to receive contributive ideas and add the ones in line with goals and requirements of Binh Duong’s development in the coming period.

Reported by Phuong Le-Translated by Kim Tin

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