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Making breakthrough and accelerating more strongly

Update: 17-11-2023 | 13:15:06

Comrade Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation made the statement at the 30th session of the 11th provincial Party Executive Committee held by provincial Party Standing Committee yesterday morning (November 16). He also requested all-level Party committees, authorities, agencies and units, especially leaders, to make more efforts and determination in removing difficulties and creating favorable conditions for people and enterprises to invest in production and business effectively.

Excelling at disbursing public investment capital

At the session, many delegates said that 2023 will have many difficulties that will negatively impact the implementation of the local development goals. However, under the drastic and scientific leadership of provincial Party Committee, the direct and regular leadership of provincial Party Standing Committee, the management of provincial People's Committee, the efforts by the entire political system, business community and people from all strata, the province has synchronously implemented solutions, contributing to the local socio-economic recovery.

Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation speaks at the session

Comrade Pham Trong Nhan, Director of provincial Department of Planning and Investment said that with a fairly large economic openness, two times higher than the national average level, Binh Duong has also encountered many difficulties and challenges in the face of the world’s economic influences. In the context of the growth drivers of the economy, especially the ones from the private sector and foreign investment capital, based on central viewpoints and orientations, right from the beginning of 2023, provincial Party Committee and People's Committee have focused on directing and emphasizing solutions to consolidate and promote driving forces from investment, with focus on public investment leading investment and institutional reform with focus on administrative reform.

The province's total investment plan from State budget for 2023 assigned by the Prime Minister is more than VND 12.18 trillion, including more than VND3.14 trillion from central budget capital and more than VND 9,04 trillion from local budget capital. The province has allocated all the capital assigned by the Prime Minister to specific works and projects while mobilizing more than VND 9.63 trillion to supplement, bringing the province's total public investment capital for 2023 to more than VND21.81 trillion. As of November 13, the province’s disbursement value of public investment capital reached more than VND 12.51 trillion or 57.4% of the plan.

“This is the highest disbursement level in recent years. In the same period of 2022, the figure was more than VND 3.95 trillion, or 44.4% of the plan and this is the first time we have disbursed all the capital assigned by the Prime Minister in over 10 months of implementation (3 months earlier than planned, because the Public Investment Law allows disbursement until January 31 of the year following of the plan year)...", Mr. Nhan emphasized. .

According to Mr. Nhan, achieving good results in disbursement of public investment capital in the province has come from the efforts by the province in  well preparing and starting construction on a number of items under national key projects such as belt road 3 of Ho Chi Minh City passing through Binh Duong province while allocating enough capital to speed up the implementation of other key projects, including making site clearance of National Highway 13, North Tan Uyen - Phu Giao - Bau Bang arterial road, DT746 road...; further preparing investment procedures and balancing capital for key projects such as provincial Standard Political School, security surveillance cameras, traffic be implemented in the following years. Besides, the province implemented public investment plans drastically, promptly and effectively. The entire political system has been mobilized with the leadership of provincial Party Committee, the supervision of provincial People's Council, the drastic management of provincial People's Committee and the efforts by departments, sectors and localities in synchronously implementing proposed solutions...

"3-way formula”

“The results of 2023 are very important and have great encouragement for the Party Committee, government, people and business community of Binh Duong to confidently and successfully carry out the local tasks for 2024 and the entire 2020-2025 tenure. Provincial Party Committee, provincial Party Standing Committee and provincial leaders welcomed and praised, highly appreciated results done; sincerely thanked the efforts by the entire political system, business community and people from all strata, contributing to the province's overall achievements in 2023...", Mr. Loi emphasized at the session.

A delegates speaks at the session

In 2024, the province will focus on general tasks, including further removing policy bottlenecks, clearing resources and effectively handling problems; improving the effectiveness of implementing new policies and performing public duties of civil servants; selectively attracting foreign investment in association with connecting domestic businesses to promote growth; reaching the set plan in State budget collection,  saving expenses at the maximum level; actively directing the disbursement of public investment capital in association with accelerating the implementation of key traffic projects with regional connectivity; rejuvenating old urban areas and developing the new ones in accordance with the province's integrated planning, creating a spacious, clean and beautiful urban appearance, a worth-living place with sentimental attachment; paying attention to comprehensive development of the fields of culture, society, education and health on par with economic development and ensure social welfare; consolidating and perfecting the local streamlined apparatus for effective and efficient operation, streamlining staff and improving the quality of staff; further promoting the prevention of corruption and negativity, ensuring political security, social order and safety and avoiding being passive or surprised; improving the effectiveness of foreign affairs; well realizing propaganda, creating consensus in society; further promoting digital transformation, reforming, rechecking administrative procedures and building smart cities...

Comrade Nguyen Van Loi emphasized that 2024 is a key year and the situation is forecast to be still very difficult. Provincial Party Committee's viewpoint is to make a breakthrough and accelerate more strongly. He also reiterated the "3-way formula” just been directed by the Prime Minister, which is openness (must make the investment environment truly open through policy mechanisms, reform of administrative procedures, by contacting businesses and people to solve difficulties); transparency (infrastructure) and smartness (management) to serve the local breakthrough and development.

Accordingly, he emphasized a number of key tasks to create a breakthrough in development, including further promoting investment in key transport infrastructure, strengthening investment leadership to attract high quality human resources... First of all, the province will build a standard political school to train and improve human resources in the political system; increase investment in education to consolidate and improve the quality of education and training; further coordinate with the three sectors (State, schools, businesses) to attract and train high-quality human resources; further invest in the health sector to ensure public healthcare.

In 2023, the province's economic growth was estimated to reach 6%. Although still facing many difficulties, the province's economic growth was still higher than some localities in the region. The province’s GRDP per capita was estimated at VND 177.1 million. The province’s index of industrial production (IIP) was estimated to only increase by 6.5% compared to the previous year. The province’s total retail sales revenue of goods and services was estimated at more than VND305.11 trillion, an increase of 14% compared to the previous year. The province’s export turnover was US$31.8 billion. The province also attracted more than VND 75.76 trillion in domestic investment capital and more than US$1.34 billion in foreign investment capital (equal to the same period), reaching the yearly plan... In 2024, the province strives to achieve economic growth of 9% - 10%%; obtain VND72trillion in State budget revenue in 2024; allocate VND22 trillion in State budget for development investment...

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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