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Many changes in reforming administrative procedures

Update: 28-11-2023 | 13:06:06

Yesterday morning (November 27), Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee, Deputy Head of provincial Steering Committee for Administrative Reform, Digital Transformation, Project No.06 and smart city chaired a meeting to evaluate the implementation of the key tasks of the steering committee and upcoming tasks. The meeting was conducted online in 9 districts, towns, cities and 91 communes, wards and towns in the province.

Many indexes further improving rankings

Reporting on the results of implementing administrative reform, digital transformation, project No.06 and smart city in Binh Duong province in the 47th week from November 20 to 27, Truong Cong Huy, Director of provincial Public Administration Center said that over the last week, departments, sectors, districts, towns, cities, communes, wards and towns made efforts in carrying out their tasks, contributing to improving the indexes of administrative reform, digital transformation, project No.06 and smart city. Particularly, up to now, 15 out of 19 departments and sectors have consulted, reviewed, submitted and published internal administrative procedures. Provincial People's Committee issued 9 decisions approving a plan to simplify 17 administrative procedures under the management of the following sectors: Health, finance, science - technology, construction, industry and trade, home affairs... Regarding digital transformation in administrative procedure reform, the province has so far updated 84% of online public services to the National Public Service Portal. The province will conduct a trial run of the process and officially approve it after being appraised by the National Service Portal.

Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee speaks at the meeting

Regarding Project 06, Mr. Huy said that the province has implemented 100% of essential services of the Project No.06. Particularly, 11 police services received 28,080 out of 29,216 online dossiers, with the online rate reaching 96.11%, up 7.27% compared to the 46th week. Provincial Police Agency also set up a plan and organized the signing of a cooperation agreement with provincial Post Office on implementing online services.

The steering committee's report also mentioned old bottlenecks that have not been overcome. They include late documents from the systems of the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Transport that have not yet been resolved. The next bottleneck is the group point for public transparency index and online services at commune and district levels that have not yet been overcome...

Online services in investment announced

At the meeting, Pham Trong Nhan, Director of provincial Department of Planning and Investment started the process for its 32 interconnected administrative procedures, including 18 administrative procedures in the field of non-State budget investment, 4 in the PPP field, 1 in the bidding field, 8 in the ODA field, 1 in the field of agricultural and rural investment and 3 internal administrative procedures in the field of public investment.

Accordingly, from November 27, the department has officially received and processed documents on the province's administrative procedure resolution information system for 4 procedures in the field of non-State budget investment, comprising of procedures to approve Provincial People's Committee’s investment policies, procedures to adjust investment projects under the competence of provincial People's Committee; procedures to grant investment registration certificates (for projects not being subjects to investment policy approval); procedures to adjust investment projects that have been been granted investment registration certificates and are not subjects to approval for investment policy adjustments by provincial People's Committee.

Addressing the meeting, Mr. Nhan said that the implementation of processing investment documents on the system is expected to overcome obstacles in coordination and connection between State agencies while the department will clarify the responsibilities of agencies in coordination for handling procedures for people and businesses. In the coming time, the department will further coordinate with relevant agencies and units to complete the process and announce the remaining administrative procedures to realize the goal of reforming administrative procedures in association with digital transformation, creating favorite conditions for people and businesses when implementing administrative procedures, contributing to further improving the local investment climate under the direction of provincial Party Committee and People's Committee.

Also at the meeting yesterday morning, leaders of departments, districts, towns and cities continued exchanging and discussing in order to remove obstacles and bottlenecks in the process of implementing the contents of each field. Particularly, many opinions recommended that the province should soon upgrade the local transmission line so that connection and processing can be timely and smooth. Some localities petitioned the province to resolve inadequacies in calculating working days to ensure uniformity in calculating time from the central to grassroots levels to ensure synchronization when updating documents to the National Service Portal. Some districts and towns petitioned to be decentralized to review the results of implementation of the set of index 766 for timely correction...

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Ha said that the implementation of the tasks of administrative reform, digital transformation, project No.06 and smart city... reached many positive changes over the past time. Many indexes have been gradually improved, proving that the efforts of all-level authorities, sectors, localities and units have brought remarkable results. He also spoke highly of the efforts by provincial Department of Planning and Investment in coordinating with relevant units to set up and soon start the department's inter-connected process to handle administrative procedures.

He also requested relevant departments, sectors and localities to continue having to close coordination so that the system operates smoothly. In addition, he said that there are still many obstacles in administrative reform. Therefore, he requested relevant units to coordinate more closely in order to remove and resolve difficulties, especially technical ones.

The quick report on the results of Index 766 in the 47th week from November 20 to 27) shows that as of November 27, Binh Duong province reached 77.9 points, increasing by 10.9 points and 14 places compared to the results on November 20, ranking 11th among 63 provinces and cities,. During the week, the province received 36 petitions on the Government's feedback and suggestion system. The province has so far received 2,857 petitions. Among them, 2,710 were processed within the deadline while 147 are being processed within the deadline, ensuring that 100% of people and businesses’petitions regarding mechanisms, policies and administrative procedures are handled thoroughly...

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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