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Many examples of smart mass mobilization

Update: 23-12-2018 | 16:15:18

In 2018, smart mass mobilization emulation movement in the province continued to be strengthened and directed towards the grassroots level. From this movement, many excellent units and individuals appeared in smart mass mobilization, actively contributing to the socio-economic development process of the province.


Nguyen Van Tien checks the installation of trash cans at a street in his quarter.

Smart mass mobilization to built civilized urban areas

Tan Phu 1 quarter is one of the most populated quarters of Tan Binh ward, Da An town. Residents in this quarter came from many different regions, chose this place to settle down, so public security here used to be complicated. However, in recent years, Phu Tan 1 quarter has been known as one of the strong developing quarters in many aspects of Tan Binh ward. Tan Phu 1 today has no more flooded, muddy, unsanitary roads, but concrete, clean and wide roads. Households living in this quarter now have high sense of responsibility for environmental protection, maintaining public order and security and implementing civilized urban lifestyle.

The overall achievement of this quarter consists of contributions of Party Secretary of this quarter Nguyen Van Tien. Mr. Tien encouraged cadre and people in his quarter to join hands for a growing, clean, beautiful urban area. He came to every house to grasp situation, listen to people's opinions, and explain what people did not understand. Mr. Tien pointed at straight concrete roads in his quarter and said: “Traffic used to be difficult here. Yet now it is different, these concrete roads help the travel and trade of local people a lot". In order to construct these roads, Mr. Tien and cadres in the quarter encouraged local households to join hands to upgrade these roads. Then he called for households to carry out environmental protection by disposing of garbage at right places, hanging national flag. Mr. Tien said: “When I see local people have a peaceful and improved living standard, our quarter becomes more and more civilized and modern, I feel so happy. This is also a motivation for me to work harder in the future”.

To build new rural areas

The national target program on new rural construction in the province achieved outstanding results. By the end of 2018, 100% communes basically completed the new rural construction. Thanks to this program, the infrastructure in new rural communes is more and more improved. The province's progress of new rural construction showed the importance of resource gathering, including contributions of the people. Particularly in 2018, total capital mobilized from the community for this program was VND 156 billion.

Phu Giao district is striving to complete the new rural construction program, in the period 2016-2018, mobilized more than VND 1,208 billion to implement this program, of which the State budget capital was more than VND 728 billion, total capital mobilized from credit, businesses and people was more than VND 479 billion. In implementing the new rural construction program, many examples of land donation and funding for this program appeared.

76-year-old Nguyen Thi Xem living in Dong Tam hamlet, An Binh commune, is an example. When the commune encouraged local people to donate land to the implementation of new rural construction program, Ms. Xem encouraged her family and happily donated 1,000m2 land to build an office for their hamlet. The office is very convenient for people in hamlets to come for meetings and common activities. Her action had a positive effect, then many households in the hamlet have followed her to join hands for the new rural construction.

It can be seen that smart mass mobilization emulation movement in the province continued to spread widely and increasingly turned towards grassroots level. Many examples of smart mass mobilization in fields of economy, culture - society, national defense - security and building political system have appeared more and more. The whole province has now 1,377 models of smart mass mobilization on all aspects, and these models have been effectively implemented and implemented, were commended and rewarded at agencies, units, localities. According to the evaluation of Provincial Party Mass Mobilization Committee, these models had basically operated effectively, clearly defined its objectives and tasks, contributing to building an increasingly clean, strong political system, and encouraged people of all strata to promote production and business development, stabilize their lives, actively participate in political security, social order and safety protection, and prevention and fight against social evils, and building cultural lifestyle in residential areas.

Reported by Cao Son – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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