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Many localities met on the day of war invalids and martyrs

Update: 29-07-2019 | 11:01:39

On July 26, many communes and wards of Tan town solemnly held a meeting to celebrate 72 years of Day of War Invalids - Martyrs July 27, 1947 to July 27, 2019.

At the meeting, delegates listened to the report on the implementation of policies of wounded soldiers, martyrs and revolutionary people in the first 6 months of 2019. Khanh Binh Ward now has 322 policy beneficiaries and 23 Vietnamese mothers. Male hero. In the first 6 months of 2019, the ward paid over subsidies to policy beneficiaries more than VND 1.3 billion. Uyen Hung Ward currently has 274 martyrs, 343 people awarded awards, medals of all kinds. In the first 6 months of the year, the ward ensured timely payment of policy regimes according to regulations with the amount of over VND 670 million. Vinh Tan commune has 128 policy beneficiaries who are receiving monthly allowance, in which Vietnamese heroic mother lives 02 mothers and wounded soldiers 43 people, martyrs' family 28, has revolutionary 12 people and activists Resistance war was imprisoned by the enemy with 08 people and 35 other subjects.

Tan Hiep Ward awarded the certificate of family name "Exemplary Revolution" to 02 policy households, 07 individuals to receive the title "Model citizen", awarded certificates of merit to enterprises and companies. many contribute to the "Gratitude of gratitude" movement.

Also at the ceremony, Khanh Binh Ward, Uyen Hung Ward announced the President's decision to grant the State Honorary title "Heroic Vietnamese Mother" to Nguyen Thi Wine's mother, Binh Chanh Street and Le Thi Phoi heroic mother in Quarter 5, Uyen Hung Ward.

Reported by Tieu My – Translated by Vi Bao

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