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Many targets and tasks have been achieved and exceeded the plan

Update: 11-12-2023 | 14:07:25

With unity and determination, Tan Uyen city continues to mobilize the entire political system to implement the directives and resolutions of the central government, the province, and the city. Up to now, the city has achieved and exceeded many targets and tasks set for 2023.

Synchronous socio-economic development

The outstanding highlight of the young city of Tan Uyen in 2023 is that it has achieved and surpassed many targets set for the year. The city's socio-economic development is progressing in a coordinated manner. Specifically, the economic sector has gradually recovered positively each quarter; the city has timely supported and resolved difficulties and obstacles faced by businesses. The city's economic structure has shifted according to the correct direction: Industry (62.30%) - Services (36.61%) - Agriculture (1.09%). Commercial activities and services continue to develop, meeting the needs of shopping, recreation, and entertainment for the population.

The public investment activities have been carried out in accordance with the plan, with a disbursement rate of 99% of the allocated capital. The land clearance work has been implemented on schedule. Emphasis has been placed on urban planning and management, gradually improving the quality of urban areas and modernizing the urban infrastructure system, in line with the completion of the criteria for constructing type 2 urban areas. The management of land, construction, and the environment is becoming more systematic, with a decrease in the number of violations compared to the same period. The city promptly resolves and handles obstacles in land management and construction.

Social security is ensured, and policies for those who have made contributions are well implemented. Efforts are made to take care of the poor and those in difficult circumstances. The quality of education continues to improve. The city continues to prioritize and direct the work of digital transformation and administrative reform, ensuring compliance with provincial directives and meeting the needs and aspirations of the people.

In addition, the construction of the Party and the political system has undergone significant changes. The implementation of inspection and supervision work has achieved positive results. The mobilization of the masses has received attention and effective guidance from the Party committees and authorities at all levels.

The monitoring delegation of the Standing Committee of the People's Council of Tan Uyen city conduct supervision of the resolution of voters' recommendations.

Creating a sustainable development foundation

One of the localities that has successfully achieved the targets and tasks for 2023 in Tan Uyen city is Phu Chanh ward. In 2023, the Party Committee of Phu Chanh ward has effectively led the implementation and successfully completed 13 targets, surpassing 4 targets.

Mr. Nguyen Tan Thy, Secretary of the Party Committee of Phu Chanh ward, stated that in 2023, the entire grassroots political system has made efforts to achieve the objectives set forth in the resolution of the Ward Party Committee. The ward has focused on implementing programs, plans, and specialized resolutions in 2023, closely linked to inspection, supervision, and urging work. Meanwhile, the People's Committee of the ward effectively carries out the task of socio-economic development, especially the implementation of the criteria for achieving urban civilization standards. The movement of gratitude and repaying debts, taking care of policy families, and supporting disadvantaged households in the area are promptly and properly implemented according to regulations. The Fatherland Front and various organizations actively mobilize the masses to participate in patriotic movements and respond to social and charitable activities.

In the ward of Uyen Hung, during the recent period, under the leadership of the Party Committee and the management of the People's Committee of the ward, especially with the high consensus of the people, the socio-economic situation of the ward continues to develop, and the living standards of the people are gradually improving both materially and spiritually. In the year, the ward has achieved and exceeded 18/18 targets (including 7 achieved targets and 11 exceeded targets).

It can be said that, despite facing numerous difficulties and challenges, the Party, government, and people of Tan Uyen City have made efforts, strived, and determinedly implemented the resolution of the City Party Committee in 2023, achieving many positive and comprehensive results with all 24/24 targets being met and exceeded (15 targets exceeded and 9 targets achieved). This serves as an important foundation for the city to determine its direction and successfully fulfill the Party Committee's resolution in 2024.

Mr. Bui Minh Tri, Secretary of the Tan Uyen City Party Committee, stated that the overall goal of the city is to continue promoting the economic restructuring towards increasing the proportion of trade and services; enhancing the attraction of social investment; achieving sustainable development in the direction of a smart, civilized, and modern urban area; constructing and completing the project to upgrade the Type II urban area for approval by the competent authority; and focusing on ensuring social security, reducing sustainable poverty, and improving the material and spiritual life of the people.

In addition, the city will also focus on effectively implementing activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Tan Uyen city; paying attention to comprehensive and synchronized development in the fields of culture, education, healthcare, and social affairs on par with economic development; promoting administrative reform, digital transformation, Project 06; strengthening national defense and security, political stability, and social order and safety. The city continues to prioritize the implementation of high-quality objectives and tasks in Party building and political system construction; innovation and improvement of the effectiveness of the Fatherland Front and mass organizations, with a strong focus on grassroots level and better care for all social classes.

Reported by Huynh Thuy – Van Dung – Translated by Vi Bao

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