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Mass mobilization dispatched to tighten public relation

Update: 24-05-2024 | 15:05:46

Implementing President Ho Chi Minh's teaching of skillful mobilizing the people to be successful in everything, the military units stationed in the province have recently coordinated with various levels, sectors, and localities to organize many practical mass mobilization activities. Doing so contributes to strengthening unity, bonding the tie of the military and the people, as well as carrying out grassroots mass work, contributing to the Party Committee and the authority in ensuring social security and political security, maintaining social order and safety at the local level.

As the public join up mass mobilization

From early morning, more than 220 officers and soldiers have arrived at the Iron Triangle Tunnel (An Tay Ward, Ben Cat City) to attend the launching ceremony and participate in a series of activities for the second phase of the people's mass mobilization in 2024 of the province. After the launching ceremony, the "Love between the military and the people" houses, the "Great unity" houses were newly built and repaired; hundreds of people received free medical examinations and medicine; students received bicycles and scholarships; over 400 gifts were given to policy families, people in difficult circumstances, and the vulnerable. This shows that all officials, members, people, and military units have fully exerted their sense of responsibility, unity, and joint efforts to carry out many effective and high-quality people's mobilization activities.

Practical gifts are given away to people of harsh circumstances

In the midst of the scorching May sun, but deep in the heart of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Giang (neighborhood 5, My Phuoc ward, Ben Cat city), there is a sense of joy as her old house is about to be renovated. The old house of Mrs. Giang has deteriorated; the porch is also heavily damaged. It is already difficult to have enough food, and Mrs. Giang herself has never dared to dream of having a new house to live in. Recognizing Mrs. Giang's difficult situation, the local authorities have prepared a dossier requesting support to repair her house. And, during the second phase of the community work campaign in Ben Cat City, Mrs. Giang's house was joyfully started to be repaired.

Mrs. Giang said: "Each Great Unity house is repaired or newly built for poor people like us, not only bringing joy of stable housing but also creating motivation for us to strive and escape poverty."

Urban construction

In Di An city, the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Board has also launched the first phase of mass mobilization work for the year 2024. At the ceremony, the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Board, in coordination with various sectors, localities, and military units, organized free medical examinations and treatment, and provided free medicine to 200 people; presented 200 gifts to disadvantaged families and orphans; and organized a VND-0 market. After the launching ceremony, the units have coordinated to organize tree planting in the premises of Ho Chi Minh City National University; visit and give gifts to 3 policy families; construct the "Military-Civil Unity" and "Military-Civil Love House" projects. It is known that the total funding for the first phase of the organization in Di An city is about 1 billion VND.


At the Rach Son junction, An Tay 057 road (Lo O neighborhood, An Tay ward), hundreds of officers, soldiers, and people are not afraid of dirt as they clean the canal together. Just after a few hours, the roads and canals are repaired, upgraded, and shining; the empty spaces are covered with greenery, sowing seeds of hope. The sun gets hotter and hotter, sweat drips on the backs of each person. Each refreshing glass of water was passed hand to hand between the soldiers and the locals, interspersed with stories and exchanges, so everyone felt excited and the fatigue seemed to disappear. These are all actions driven by the emotions and responsibilities of the officers and soldiers towards the people, aiming to collectively build a new countryside and increasingly civilized urban areas. In addition to practical activities to assist the people, in this campaign, the officers and soldiers also participated in various sports and physical activities with local organizations and groups.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Chuan, Party Secretary of the Provincial Military Command, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Coordination Steering Committee for Military Units in the province, hopes that in the coming time, the Party Committee, authorities, agencies, units, localities, military units, and people in the area will continue to effectively coordinate their work in mobilizing the people, with new and effective projects, tasks, and approaches, contributing to building and consolidating the people's hearts and minds, the people's security posture, and fostering relationships of the military and the public.

In the journey with officers and soldiers carrying out the people's mission, wherever we are, we can clearly feel the joy and excitement of the local people. The acts of kindness have left many beautiful imprints on the people, contributing to strengthening the close relationship between the military and the people, consolidating the people's trust in the leadership of the Party committees and authorities, and building a strong and united national bloc.

Mr. Bui Thanh Nhan, Standing Member, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Board, Head of the Steering Committee for Coordination with Military Units in Provincial Mass Mobilization Work, said that the kick-off ceremony and a series of mass mobilization activities in 2024 will be organized in three peak periods in three localities of Di An city, Ben Cat city, and Dau Tieng district. The program activities aim to propagate, mobilize, and organize the implementation of "Civilized Saturday" and "people's participation in building a cultural and civilized lifestyle in Binh Duong province in 2021-2025" by the provincial Party Committee.

Reported by Huynh Thuy – Translated by Vi Bao

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