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Meaningful market-day to support people in difficult times

Update: 11-11-2021 | 12:55:23

On November 10, provincial Red Cross Society organized its 77th “Zero dong” market-day for people affected by Covid-19 pandemic at the humanitarian site on April 30 in Thu Dau Mot city’s Phu Hoa ward (photo).

With the motto of "No one is left behind", 500 disadvantaged people were given vouchers to go to the "zero dong" market-day by provincial Red Cross to choose necessities, food-foodstuffs and vegetables. The amount of the above goods was supported by enterprises and donors.

Along with other social charity activities, the "zero dong" market-day has always been regularly organized by provincial Red Cross Society, joining hands with the province to well carry out social welfare policies. This meaningful market-day not only prolongs humanitarian activities during the pandemic season, but also encourages disadvantaged people to overcome difficult times and rise up in life.

Reported by Hong Thuan-Translated by Kim Tin

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