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Measures readied for enterprises to overcome obstacles

Update: 09-08-2013 | 00:00:00
Provincial Chair of People’s Committee, Mr. Le Thanh Cung and leaders of related departments and sectors had a working session with KyungBang Vietnam Co. Ltd. located at Bau Bang Industrial Park of Ben Cat District. At the working session, Mr. Lee Kap Soo, General Director of KyungBang Vietnam Co. Ltd. raised up some issues of electricity supply, dust and smoke from other enterprises affecting the company’s operations, and tax preferable policies. Chair of Provincial People’s Committee, Mr. Le Thanh Cung (first row, third from left) and leaders of departments and sectors are visiting fiber production line of KyungBang factory in Vietnam Representatives of electricity supplier and customs have answered specifically to the queries and informed that proposals shall be considered and resolved. Addressing the meeting, Chair of Provincial People’s Committee, Mr. Le Thanh Cung highly appreciated ability of KyungBang Vietnam Co. Ltd. and stressed on offering of favorable conditions and readiness for resolving problems that KyungBang Vietnam Co. Ltd. is facing. So as to maintain sustainable development, he said, KyungBang Vietnam Co. Ltd. should offer good policies to retain working force.KyungBang Vietnam Co. Ltd. of KyungBang Group of South Korea operating in textile industry has just inaugurated and put into operation of a fiber factory in May 2013 with scale of 25,920 creels and capacity of 550 tons a month. Annually, KyungBang factory can supply 6,600 tons of high quality cotton fiber to textile companies in Vietnam.Reported by T.Minh - Q.Chien – Translated by Vi Bao
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