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Meeting held to celebrate the 77th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day

Update: 31-08-2022 | 11:26:19

On August 30, the Provincial Military Command held a meeting to celebrate the 77th anniversary of the August Revolution and the National Day on September 2.

Speaking at the meeting, Colonel Nguyen Dinh Chuan, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Command said, promoting the achievements of the August Revolution and implementing the teachings of Uncle Ho, during the past 77 years, the Provincial armed forces did not mind hardships, challenges, and showed resilience, stood side by side with the Party, government and people of the province to fight against foreign invaders, protect national sovereignty, and develop the country.

In recent years, with the spirit of solidarity, determination and responsibility, armed forces of the province have performed well their leading role in coordination with branches and mass organizations, offered Party committees and local authorities advice on leadership and administration to successfully fulfill assigned military-defense tasks; built a more and more complete and solid defense area...

On this occasion, Party Committee of Provincial Military Command awarded 30-year Party badges to 2 party members and Military Flag Medal to 18 individuals.

Reported by Thu Thao - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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