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Meeting marks police force’s traditional day

Update: 20-08-2015 | 08:56:29

A grand ceremony was held in Hanoi on August 18th to commemorate the 70th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Police and the 10th year of the “All people protect national security” festival (August 19th).

Prominent among the attendees were Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung and other former leaders.

State President Truong Tan Sang at the ceremony. (Source: VNA)

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs Samdech Sar Kheng and Lao Minister of Public Security Somkeo Silavon headed delegations to join other guests from China, Russia, Cuba, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and other regional and international police organisations at the event.

The ceremony opened with a special art performance featuring the image of the People’s Police force, their revolutionary heroism during the struggle for national liberation and reunification and their achievements in ensuring national security and order in the reform process.

A ddressing the event, President Sang recalled the evolution and development of the force over the past seven decades with scores of achievements and glorious traditions.

He highlighted the force’s absolute faithfulness to the nation, people, Party and State; their sense of vigilance, bravery, ingenuity, creativity and intelligence; and their close coordination with the Vietnam People’s Army, relevant ministries and branches in combating enemies and crimes.

Over the past ten years, the “All people protect national security” movement has developed strongly, helping raise public awareness of national security and encouraging them to support the police force in this regard.

Given increasingly complicated regional and international situation with disputes over sea and island sovereignty expected to intensify and the number of crimes set to rise, President Sang asked the force to be roll out strong countermeasures.

While addressing its weaknesses, the force will need to take initiative in hindering sabotage plots and protecting the country’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said.

The tasks require great efforts from the entire Party, people and army with the People’s Police force playing a significant role, the President noted, suggesting the sector build a faithful staff with firm resolve, pure revolutionary morals and professionalism.

Minister of Public Security General Tran Dai Quang called on all officers to build on the force’s traditions, polish their political tasks and closely coordinate with the Vietnam People’s Army and sectors to fulfil all assigned tasks.

At the ceremony, President Sang presented the Golden Star Order, a highest distinction of the Party and State, to the Vietnam People’s Police for the fourth time, to honour their great contributions to the nation’s revolutionary cause./.


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