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Mobilizing all resources for urban development investment

Update: 15-06-2023 | 11:33:29

Early June 14, Nguyen Van Danh, Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee chaired a meeting to hear provincial Department of Planning and Investment and Department of Transport’s draft reports on reviewing the implementation of provincial Party Committee’s Program No. 20-CTr/TU dated May 31, 2021 focusing on developing high-quality services at the requirements of industrial and urban development towards civilization and modernity in the period of 2020-2025, orientations to 2025-2030 and a vision to 2045 and provincial Party Committee’s Program No. 42-CTr/TU dated August 2, 2021 focusing on developing transport infrastructure towards urbanization, construction of Binh Duong smart city in the period 2021-2025, orientations to 2030 with a vision to 2045.

Prioritizing the development of high-quality services

According to the draft preliminary report by provincial Department of Planning and Investment, after two years of implementing the Program No. 20-Ctr/TU, by the end of 2022, the proportion of the service sector accounted for 22.8% of the economic structure (up 0.3% compared to 2021), contributing to the local economic restructuring in accordance with the orientations set by provincial Party Congress. The average growth of the service sector was 6.89% per year, significantly contributing to the province's economic growth with the average level of 5.4% per year. The province’s total retail sales revenue of goods and services increased by 9.9% per year. Of these, the total retail sales revenue of goods accounted for about 69.33%. Logistics services got thriving, forming up a relatively complete system of logistics service centers, providing 3PL and 4PL logistics services...

Binh Duong is focusing on mobilizing resources to invest in the local increasingly improved traffic infrastructure

Possibly seeing, along with industrial production, the province's sector of trade and services is making positive changes. In the direction of sustainable development, along with attracting high technology and advanced production, the province will focus on economic restructuring towards promoting high-quality trade and services. Especially, priority is given to services with high gray-matter content, e-commerce, promoting investment in finance, banking and innovative technology.

Provincial People's Committee, relevant departments and agencies are determined to effectively implement provincial Party Committee’s Program No. 20-CTr/TU dated May 31, 2021 focusing on developing high-quality services at the requirements of industrial and urban development towards civilization and modernity in the period of 2020-2025, orientations to 2025-2030 with a vision to 2045. Realizing this goal, the province has focused on effectively deploying many solutions to promote the local high-quality services and trade at practical requirements. Particularly, the province has bent to mobilize all resources for investment in traffic infrastructure, attaching importance to the development of high-quality trade and services in association with industrial and urban development, improving the quality of human resources...

According to provincial Department of Industry and Trade, in order to increase the proportion of services in the local economic structure, further shifting in the right direction, accounting for 28% by 2025, with the average annual growth of added value at about 11%..., the department will focus its resources on developing high-quality services in the field of industry and trade such as modern trade, logistics, industrial support services..., contributing to leading and supporting industrial and urban development.

Opening roads to create attractive advantages

With breakthrough policies "one step ahead" in investment and development of traffic infrastructure, over the past time, Binh Duong achieved many important achievements in the process of the local socio-economic development. The province mobilized resources to invest in the local traffic infrastructure to improve, better serve people’s travelling and enterprises ‘goods transportation.

According to provincial Department of Transport, after two years of implementing the Program 42, the investment in construction of key transport infrastructure projects since 2021, especially expressway and belt road projects under the central, but assigned to localities for investment implementation has been implemented quite drastically. As of now, national highways have been upgraded and expanded from the State budget as well as being mobilized from economic sectors to invest in the development of the local transport system. The traffic axes with regional and inter-regional connectivity such as North Tan Uyen - Phu Giao - Bau Bang arterial road, Bach Dang 2 bridge; the projects on upgrading and expanding National Highway 13, belt road 3 at the section passing through Binh Duong province in the phase 1 are being urgently implemented.

For more sustainable development, in the coming time, Binh Duong should actively coordinate with the Ministry of Transport and localities in the region to soon build up a transport system with regional connectivity; mobilize resources to develop a planned regional transport system; actively coordinate with Ho Chi Minh City in building a connected transport system. Infrastructure works that need to be completed as soon as possible are the belt road 4, Ho Chi Minh City - Chon Thanh Expressway; Highway 13…

Speaking at the meeting, Nguyen Van Danh, Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee requested provincial Department of Transport and Department of Planning and Investment to fully absorb the opinions by departments, sectors and localities in order to soon complete the draft reports on preliminarily reviewing provincial Party Committee’s Program No.42 and Program No.20 in order to report them to provincial Party Standing Committee. He affirmed that these are two major programs on urban development towards civilization and modernity, which are extremely important, serving as a basis for attracting investment and promoting socio-economic development.  Therefore, the province and other departments and localities must enhance their active role and responsibility in the process of directing and implementing towards the goal of building up a civilized, modern and sustainable Binh Duong.

Binh Duong is making efforts to focus on speeding up the local process of socio-economic recovery and development, promoting growth on the basis of digital transformation and digital economy, accelerating construction of a synchronous infrastructure system, focusing on administrative reform, improving the business climate. The province is urgently preparing to start construction of the belt road 3 and other  inter-regional key traffic projects, helping connect and create a rebound for economic development, greatly contributing to the local development in the new period.

Reported by Ngoc Thanh-Translated by Kim Tin

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